Challenges With Sensitivity and Boundaries in an Imperfect, Ever-Changing World: Online Counselor Education

Challenges With Sensitivity and Boundaries in an Imperfect, Ever-Changing World: Online Counselor Education

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8908-6.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter provides an overview of the online educational environment and its context and outlines two realistic examples with suggested responses for counselor educators. The reflect, prepare, and respond approach was explained in detail for both examples. The historical context of societal changes was briefly explained within the chapter to further highlight how quickly the world may change as opposed to written resources for students. Schlossberg's research on coping with transitions enhances the chapter to provide counselor educators with an evidence-based framework to better address the challenges and inquiries that arise within an imperfect, ever-changing world in online education.
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Historical Context Of Social Justice And Cultural Sensitivity

The history of social justice within higher education, and education in general, is complex (Francis et al., 2017). Davis et al. (2021) noted that “we are living in the most culturally diverse but perhaps least interculturally civil time in modern history, and the field of psychology is not immune. Over recent decades, our field has often engaged in divisive and uncivil dialogue...” (p. 79). Our world continues to shift. Research shows that social work education rapidly changed from the 1990s and forward (Payne, 2020). Similarly, counselor educators and students are currently in a different place than the original scholars within the field (Singh et al., 2020). The initial theories of Eurocentric perspectives and standards within counselor education programs have changed (Williams et al., 2021). This present place is constantly evolving and is a place where what is developed today may not be the same tomorrow (McAuliffe, 2019).

Counselor educators may also consider their understanding of social justice, how their conceptualizations do or do not include the social determinants of health, and how such beliefs affect their work. This is highlighted as a best practice approach for integrating and teaching multicultural and social justice topics in counselor education (Ratts et al., 2016; Waters et al., 2022, p.19).

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