Chatbots for Business and Customer Support

Chatbots for Business and Customer Support

Syed Jawad Hussain Shah
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6234-8.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven chatbots have established themselves as standard front-line solutions for companies looking to update consumer experiences while maximizing client engagement. Chatbots have become a crucial component of a company's customer-centric operations because of their fast replies, round-the-clock assistance, and ability to comprehend user inquiries. This chapter will describe the function of chatbots as customer service representatives and some of the benefits they offer to organizations. There will also be a discussion of the present difficulties facing the industry in integrating these conversational bots.
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Chatbots For Business

One of the main issues CEOs of contemporary businesses presently must cope with is digitalization. The word “digitalization” refers to the proliferation of digital technology across society as well as changes in individual communication styles and interpersonal interactions (Gimpel & Röglinger, 2015). The emergence of new digital technologies (such as social networks and cloud computing) has increased market transparency while reducing the knowledge asymmetry between sellers and consumers (Patil et al, 2017). As a result, building long-term client loyalty is crucial for businesses. The emergence of new technologies also had an impact on how individuals interact with businesses, and an increasing number of customers prefer to contact businesses through digital channels (such as online forms, social media, etc.) to express service requests or complete transactions, among other things. Businesses are now connecting with clients on digital platforms instead of conventional ones because of recent advancements in AI applications. The primary driver of this transformation is, among other things, the ease that technology offers to firms operating on the digital platform. The time it takes to convert a potential customer into a paying client has decreased with the development of e-commerce. The definition of e-commerce is that transactions can happen at any time and anywhere (Balasubrama et al., 2002). For these transactions to take place, regular one-on-one live client interactions are necessary to respond to marketing inquiries and provide additional services. Businesses and retail house use websites to help with marketing requirements and to compete with their rivals.

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