Classification, Chemistry, and Applications of Chemical Substances That Are Harmful to the Environment: Classification of Dyes

Classification, Chemistry, and Applications of Chemical Substances That Are Harmful to the Environment: Classification of Dyes

Sonika Jain, Pankaj Kumar Jain
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0311-9.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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A detailed classification of dyes has been discussed along with their chemical class and chemistry. International, regional, and national classification and labeling systems are already established and tested in practice. These hazardous chemicals can be liquid, solid, gas, aerosol, mists, vapors, semisolid, etc. Hazardous chemicals have wide applications (e.g., dyes, which are used for coloring purpose; pesticides, which are used for pest control; fertilizers are an essential part of the agriculture system; plastic and plastic waste; and e-waste to name a few). In this chapter, the authors deal with the identity, classification, and application of these harmful chemicals, especially dyes, which are mandatory to use. More emphasis is given to the natural and synthesized dyes about their use along with their modrants, which are a necessary part of the dyes without which they can't exhibit colors. Dyes have wide variety of applications, which have also been discussed along with their various harmful effects on environment, mankind, and aquatic life.
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Classification Of Dyes

Dyes can be classified in a variety of ways (Agarwal & Patel 2000). Early methods of classification were based simply on the alphabetical arrangement of dyes. Later on, numerous other methods of classification were adopted, which are as follows:

Figure 1.

Classification of dyes


Classification Based on Origin

Dyes are classified on the basis of their foundation from which they are obtained. This method is very broad and very old method of classification. This covers most of the dyes and very important method of classification.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Mordant: These are the binding agents that are required for the binding of fiber and dye.

Dyes: Dyes are organic or inorganic substances obtained from plant or animal products without any chemical treatment and which are used to provide beautiful color to the substances.

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