Climate Change Mitigation Through AI Solutions

Climate Change Mitigation Through AI Solutions

Chunchu Suchith Kumar, D. P. Divya Vani, K. Damodar, Geetha Manoharan, Nagendram Veerapaga
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4135-3.ch003
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Climate change endangers humanity. Global warming impacts everyone. Globally, people are working on climate change mitigation and scientific and technological solutions, regardless of their development level. AI will greatly impact climate change mitigation. Artificial intelligence data analysis predicts weather, manages energy, and analyzes industrial pollution. Blockchain AI improves sustainability efficiency, traceability, and transparency. The AI-driven supply management system for climate change mitigation optimizes and simplifies supply chains. To reduce carbon emissions and production and distribution environmental consequences. Climate change mitigation, food security, and environmental sustainability can benefit from AI-driven sustainable farming. Deforestation and poaching cause climate change. Artificial intelligence can predict forest fires, stop poaching, and track biodiversity to combat climate change. Wildlife conservation and reforestation can improve. AI could improve sustainability and environmental responsibility in transportation.
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Climate change, a phenomenon characterized by enduring alterations in weather patterns, possesses the capacity to detrimentally impact the well-being of the environment and, consequently, the organisms inhabiting it. Research indicates that climate change is causing a decrease in the sustainability of numerous sectors. Everyone needs to be worried about the vulnerability of the agricultural industry, especially when unpredictable weather changes could threaten sufficient productivity and food availability. Consequently, it presents a formidable obstacle to worldwide food consumption trends, especially in nations where agriculture plays a crucial role in their economy and overall efficiency. Climate change has endangered numerous species by gradually altering biological processes, resulting in a rise in biodiversity loss. The coronavirus pandemic exemplifies how climatic fluctuations increase the likelihood of specific diseases transmitted by food, water, and vectors. Climate change accelerates antimicrobial resistance, posing an additional threat to human health as it leads to a rise in pathogenic diseases with elevated rates of resistance. Carbon dioxide and methane are the primary greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. These result from using coal to heat a building or gasoline to operate a vehicle, for instance. Carbon dioxide can also be released by clearing land and destroying trees. Methane emissions are mostly produced by the oil and gas industry and agriculture. Land use, buildings, transportation, energy, and agriculture are some of the primary industries producing greenhouse gases. The global tourist industry (Manoharan, G., Rao, C. G., et al., 2024) is facing a catastrophic situation due to the adverse impact of climate change on travel destinations. The citation “(Abbass, et al, 2022)” refers to a publication by Abbass and colleagues in the year 2022.

Adaptation and mitigation are paramount in addressing the response to climate change. In the year 2020, Jahanzad and colleagues conducted a study. Unlike adaptation, which has a direct impact on climate change through occurrences such as floods, the concept of climate change mitigation is defined by scholars. Addressing mitigation is crucial for both the environment and the economy since it effectively limits or controls greenhouse gas emissions. The references cited are as follows: Jahanzad et al. (2021), Jahanzad et al. (2020), and Botzen et al. Researchers are greatly concerned with the strategies for adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change in various sectors and geographic locations. The primary sectors requiring policy adaptation and mitigation measures are agriculture, industry, forestry, transportation, and land use (Kärkkäinen et al. 2020; Waheed et al. 2021).

Indeed, a significant majority of 87% in the commercial and governmental sectors recognize AI as a crucial instrument in the fight against climate change. The possible impacts of artificial intelligence and machine learning on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a highly contested topic of discussion. Machine learning (ML) has three distinct impacts on greenhouse gas emissions: affects on computational processes, direct consequences resulting from the use of ML, and effects at the system level. By employing this approach, we give priority to impact evaluations and scenario studies, and offer policy tools to enhance comprehension and direction of the consequences of machine learning on climate change mitigation (Kaack, L.H., et al. 2022).

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