Cloud Computing and Machine Learning in the Green Power Sector: Data Management and Analysis for Sustainable Energy

Cloud Computing and Machine Learning in the Green Power Sector: Data Management and Analysis for Sustainable Energy

Satyanarayana Tirlangi, Shashiraj Teotia, G. Padmapriya, S. Senthil Kumar, Sunita Dhotre, S. Boopathi
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5643-2.ch006
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The green power sector is revolutionizing energy production, grid management, and sustainability by integrating cloud computing and machine learning techniques. This chapter explores data handling processes, including data sources, collection methods, preprocessing, and cloud computing. It discusses machine learning algorithms for predictive modeling and real-time monitoring. Key benefits, challenges, and considerations are discussed, along with case studies of successful cloud adoption in green power projects. The chapter also emphasizes data governance, security, integration techniques, and warehousing solutions for handling growing data requirements. The sector offers efficiency, reliability, and environmental responsibility, but faces challenges like data privacy, scalability, and regulatory compliance.
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1. Introduction

Efficient data management and analysis are crucial for sustainable energy, particularly in green power sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectricity. This involves collecting, storing, and integrating vast amounts of data from sources like weather sensors and energy production systems. Utilizing cloud computing resources and machine learning techniques can provide actionable insights, optimize energy production, and contribute to a cleaner future (Murugesan, 2008). Cloud computing is revolutionizing the green power sector by providing scalability, flexibility, and real-time data processing. This is especially important in the sporadic and location-specific nature of renewable energy data. Cloud services also enable predictive modeling, forecasting, energy production, grid management, and demand optimization, making them a game-changer in the industry(Xu et al., 2020).

Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, is a crucial tool for sustainable energy data analysis. It can identify hidden patterns in complex datasets, enabling accurate predictions of energy production and consumption trends. This helps grid operators and energy providers allocate resources more efficiently, reduce downtime, and prevent system failures. It also aids in real-time monitoring and anomaly detection(Andronie et al., 2021). Efficient data management and analysis are crucial for the green power sector's success. Efficient storage, retrieval, and governance ensure data accessibility, security, and compliance with industry regulations. Data integration techniques consolidate data from various sources, providing a holistic view of energy-related information(Mustapha et al., 2021). Data warehousing solutions facilitate comprehensive analysis and reporting, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions about energy production, distribution, and consumption. The green power sector can leverage cloud computing resources and machine learning techniques to maximize the value of renewable energy data, enabling data-driven decisions and optimizing energy systems. The right data handling processes can unlock the full potential of green energy sources and accelerate the transition towards a cleaner future(Shaw et al., 2022).

Efficient data management and analysis in the green power sector optimize renewable resource utilization and address challenges like grid management. Machine learning-powered data-driven analysis and control systems can balance energy supply and demand in real-time, improving grid performance. These techniques extend beyond energy production to energy consumption, leading to smarter energy consumption patterns. Machine learning algorithms can analyze historical consumption data to suggest energy-saving measures, which can be implemented by smart grids to optimize household or industrial energy use. This approach contributes to the overall performance of the green power sector(Buyya et al., 2023).

The green power sector is expanding, necessitating more accurate data handling to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve renewable energy goals. Advancements in cloud computing, machine learning, and data integration will shape the sector's efficiency, innovation, and environmental impact. The integration of big data analytics and IoT with sustainable energy sources will revolutionize energy generation, distribution, and consumption. A data-centric approach to managing and analyzing sustainable energy data is crucial for driving the transition to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy landscape(Fan et al., 2023; Pandey et al., 2023).

Background and Motivation: The chapter emphasizes the importance of efficient data management and analysis in the green power sector, focusing on the current state of renewable energy sources, their role in reducing carbon emissions, and the transition to sustainable energy. It highlights the challenges and opportunities of these sources, such as intermittency and variable output, and the need to integrate them into existing energy grids. The chapter emphasizes the role of data in addressing these challenges and optimizing energy systems for a more sustainable future.

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