Collaborative vs. Cooperative Learning: The Instructor's Role in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Collaborative vs. Cooperative Learning: The Instructor's Role in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Orlando J. Olivares
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-753-9.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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A central theme of this chapter is the following: to better understand the role of the teacher within a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment, it is necessary to better conceptualize the CSCL construct. Toward this goal, this chapter will examine similarities and differences between cooperative and collaborative learning. Next, CSCL will be examined in the context of cooperative and collaborative learning, and a brief history of CSCL will be provided. It is argued that there has been a lack of definitional and conceptual clarity among these learning constructs—this has resulted in the conflation between cooperative learning and CSCL, as well as a continued focus on individual learning, as opposed to “group mind”-like constructs. It is hoped that better conceptual clarity about CSCL will provide a renewed understanding of the role of the teacher within a CSCL environment.

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