Consistent Queries over Databases with Integrity Constraints

Consistent Queries over Databases with Integrity Constraints

Luciano Caroprese, Cristian Molinaro, Irina Trubitsyna, Ester Zumpano
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch122
(Individual Chapters)
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Integrating data from different sources consists of two main steps, the first in which the various relations are merged together, and the second in which some tuples are removed (or inserted) from the resulting database in order to satisfy integrity constraints. There are several ways to integrate databases or possibly distributed information sources, but whatever integration architecture we choose, the heterogeneity of the sources to be integrated causes subtle problems. In particular, the database obtained from the integration process may be inconsistent with respect to integrity constraints, that is, one or more integrity constraints are not satisfied. Integrity constraints represent an important source of information about the real world. They are usually used to define constraints on data (functional dependencies, inclusion dependencies, etc.) and have, nowadays, a wide applicability in several contexts such as semantic query optimization, cooperative query answering, database integration, and view update.

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