Dark and Deep Webs-Liberty or Abuse

Dark and Deep Webs-Liberty or Abuse

Lev Topor
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2466-4.ch006
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While the Dark Web is the safest internet platform, it is also the most dangerous platform at the same time. While users can stay secure and almost totally anonymously, they can also be exploited by other users, hackers, cyber-criminals, and even foreign governments. The purpose of this article is to explore and discuss the tremendous benefits of anonymous networks while comparing them to the hazards and risks that are also found on those platforms. In order to open this dark portal and contribute to the discussion of cyber and politics, a comparative analysis of the dark and deep web to the commonly familiar surface web (World Wide Web) is made, aiming to find and describe both the advantages and disadvantages of the platforms.
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Dark And Deep Web: What, Why And How

The deep web is every set of data that is not indexed or controlled in the public surface web and is not publicly accessible. The dark web is an alternative routing infrastructure that hosts web platforms and requires special software for use. Before the explanation and discussion regarding these platforms, it is important to understand when and why the internet, as we know it today, was established. The surface web internet originated from a U.S. Department of Defense project known by the name of ARPANET- Advanced Research Project Agency Network. In 1983 the ARPANET project switched from being a closed network, named Network Control Protocol (NCP) to an open one, the Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (Hurlburt, 2015).

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