Design Methods for Experience Design

Design Methods for Experience Design

Marie Jefsioutine, John Knight
Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-246-6.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The following chapter describes an approach to web design and evaluation where the user experience is central. It outlines the historical context in which experience design has evolved and describes the authors’ Experience Design Framework (EDF). This is based on the principles of user-centred design and draws on a variety of research methods and tools to facilitate the design, development and evaluation of user experiences. It proposes that to design usable, accessible, engaging and beneficial web sites, effort needs to focus on visceral, behavioural, reflective and social factors, while considering contexts such as the ‘who and why’, ‘what and how’, ‘when and where’ and ‘with what’ of web site use. Research methods from a variety of disciplines are used to support exploration, communication, empathy and speculation. Examples of the application of the EDF, to various stages of the web design process, are described.

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