Designing and Implementing Views on Competencies

Designing and Implementing Views on Competencies

Marcel van der Klink, Kathleen Schlusmans, Jo Boon
Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-343-2.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In education as well as in Human Resource Management the concept of competency is becoming more and more important. However competency is a fuzzy concept that lacks coherent terminology and is used in many different meanings. In the first part of this chapter competency is defined as a multi-dimensional construct with five dimensions: specificity, coherency, durability, activity and trainability. Then two approaches are presented to establish the competencies organisations or educational institutes should address :the function-based approach which focuses requirements for good performance in a specific function and the employee based approach which focuses on individual competencies for excellent performers. Finally it is argued that a competency based curriculum should move towards self-directed competency-based learning (SDCBL), using personal learning plans and adopting the flexible learning opportunities of e-learning. However SDCBL can only be successful when learners can be taught to be responsible managers and owners of their own learning process.

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