Disintermediated Education

Disintermediated Education

Helena Mitev, David Crowther
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-654-9.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In this paper we argue that one of the benefits of IT is its role in enabling the disintermediation of education to provide an environment in which all can participate. In the context of this chapter however we focus on the role of the internet as a disintermediating technology. There are many ramifications to this but our focus is upon the implications as far as education is concerned. The controlling mechanisms of education have been cost and geographical access. The Internet has changed both of these through its disintermediating function, potentially allowing access to all. The purpose of this chapter is to theorise this in considering the prognosis for development in various parts of the world.

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