E-Government Contribution to Better Performance by Public Sector

E-Government Contribution to Better Performance by Public Sector

Emad A. Abu-Shanab
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9860-2.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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E-government is a new phenomenon that improves public services provision to citizens, improves public sector performance, and enriches the political arena. Such ambitious objectives are not fully investigated in the literature, where most research focused on the service provision area. Improving public sector's performance is a vital dimension of e-government benefits and addresses the demands for cutting budgets and the financial situations facing many governments across the world. This study explored the e-government literature to summarize the reported contributions of e-government in relation to improving government performance. The second objective is to conduct an empirical test for our propositions based on public employees' perceptions regarding the set of benefits and contributions alleged by research. A sample of 107 public employees filled a survey summarizing the contributions of e-government based on 6 major dimensions. Conclusions and future work are stated at the end.
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Literature Review

Research in the area of e-government focused more on providing service to citizens and businesses in a convenient fashion, where new ICT channels like mobile technology and social media improved the effectiveness of open channels between governments and their citizens. On the other hand, it is important to realize the contribution of ICT tools (Web 2.0, 3.0 ad 4.0) in improving public performance through many facets like: reducing costs, improving government responsiveness to citizens’ needs, utilizing the available effort of public employees, and improving the quality and quantity of activity output.

Governments are keen on improving their performance to gain more satisfied citizens and more supportive societies. Based on that, it is important to explore such contribution by e-government into a better performance of governments. It is important also to investigate the performance indicators that could be used to measure governments’ performance, and then try to see where e-government has returned more improvements.

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