E-Learning: The New Standard of Higher Education – Pandemic Impact on Student Perspectives

E-Learning: The New Standard of Higher Education – Pandemic Impact on Student Perspectives

Miguel Diamond Vale, Marco Lamas, Orlando Lima Rua
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4446-7.ch014
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This research aims to study the influence of the pandemic on the current higher education institutions' methods to understand better its impact on the development of e-learning structures as a proactive solution to the in-person classes and methods. A quantitative methodology was developed through a survey questionnaire from Porto Accounting and Business School students to identify e-learning initiatives and the possible new standard for higher education. The results show that the current pandemic situation serves as a base for developing and implementing online learning methodologies such as e-learning and b-learning. They are concluding the most common struggles or barriers that students highlight during their online learning experiences related to their prearrangement with the learning process and connected to the institution's investments in “remote” learning structures. It is crucial to mention that this study can give further research literacy to developing specific research from a student perspective.
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Handbook of Research on Teacher and Student Perspectives on the Digital Turn in Education



Education plays a crucial role in people’s daily lives as everything prepares them for professional opportunities, where education is the basis for all aspects of creativity in their lives (Bahasoan, 2020). The use of e-learning in an online learning environment is crucial, and it is one of the information and communication technology innovations in education. Using this methodology to achieve the aims of teaching and learning in higher education is successful (Al-Fraihat et al., 2017).

The online process has been made possible by the exponential development of informational digital technology, and the use of online learning methods to boost student success triggered the attention of both teachers and researchers. According to Lynch (1999), online learning contains educational experience resources and greatly influences the lives of young generation learners, students, their families, the environment, and their universities. This online format is a form of distance learning, also known as e-learning, where it has long been a part of the worldwide educational system and has recently grown to become the largest field of distance learning (Bartley & Golek, 2004; Evans & Haase, 2001). Today, online learning has become the most common form of distance education.

What factors influence student achievement in an online setting? This chapter questions how online learning has exploded in popularity in higher education because of technological advancements and the growth of management systems; more recently and due to the pandemic situation, we can see this methodology being boosted by necessity. According to Fekula (2010), universities and other training programs must now contend for students familiar with technology and know what they want from it, enhancing efficiency.

Key Terms in this Chapter

E-Learning Platform: A form of program assembles the resources required for the three primary users of a computer - instructor, pupil and administrator - with the goal of remote consultation of instructional contents, individualization of learning and Remote-tutoring. These structures aim to provide comprehensive online lessons where students can prepare their contrives, licenses and baccalaureates.

E-Learning: It is an abbreviation for “electronic education”; It is a discipline in which teaching theory and computer network technology are combined to enable students to complete their courses through a computer network (internet or intranet).

Distance Learning: It can be defined as a broader term in sense that means the communication between learners and teachers and it may also include traditional correspondence instruction. We can note the verbal distinction between the words “teaching” and “training”, with the former implying a longer time and the obligatory sanction of a credential, while the latter can refer to a basic enhancement of skills, as in the case of company training workers.

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