Ecological Influences on the Evolving Planning System in Turkey

Ecological Influences on the Evolving Planning System in Turkey

Ufuk Fatih Küçükali
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0187-9.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Many developing countries' national plans and urbanization policies lack effective measures to address environmental degradation and support the sustainable use of natural resources. Sustainable urban development policies, the most important pillar of socio-economic development, have not been produced and/or integrated to the urban planning system in Turkey. Suggesting that economic growth may be equaled to wealth and welfare is only possible in environments where certain requirements are satisfied. These requirements may be enumerated as not surpassing the natural renovation capacity, minimizing pollution risks, optimal protection and preservation of non-renewable resources, use of natural resources according to protection-utilization principles. This chapter firstly addresses planning tradition in conceptual background, and analyses relationship of this convention with urban development. Secondly and final phase it addresses the ecological influences created by the urban development shaped by urban planning tradition on the environment, and presents suggestions for solution.
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The Evolution Of Planning Tradition/Sytems In Turkey

The concept of urban planning emerged in industrialized societies to solve multi-faceted urban problems brought by industry. On the other hand, urban planning followed a different route in countries like Turkey that remained behind in the industrialization process. The first zoning movements in Turkey which could be considered in the context of urban planning “were initiated to seek solutions for initial integration of pre-industrial towns with the world economy” (Tekeli, 1991). In Turkey, the urban planning system has reached the present, undergoing different stages throughout the Republican period. In this context, the evaluation of the urban planning system in Turkey has been conducted by periods which represent break points that influenced planning. Tekeli’s grouping (Tekeli, 1998) has been relied upon in the determination of such periods, and 1923 - 1950 period, 1950 - 1960 period, 1960 - 1980 period and post-1980 period have been used.

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