Ecology of Natural Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forests of Africa and Its Implications for Their Sustainable Man

Ecology of Natural Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forests of Africa and Its Implications for Their Sustainable Man

Stephen Syampungani, Annie Namuuya Sikanwe, Paxie W. C. Chirwa
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0014-9.ch018
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Recovery of African dry forests and woodlands is through either sexual or vegetative means. A sufficient number of regeneration pool (root suckers, sprouts, and seedlings) tend to occur in the herbaceous layer of the African dry forests. However, the prevailing environmental conditions such as fires and competition for nutrients and light influence the number of surviving individuals to enter the next size class. Developing restoration strategy for the African savannas requires the knowledge of regeneration mechanisms and dynamics of these woodlands which will be helpful in their management.
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Tropical Dry Forests Of Africa

In Africa, the distribution of flora and of the major physiognomic types correspond close enough and 18 major phytogeographical areas are recognized (White, 1983).The composition of dry forests is based on White (1983) as there has been no recent work on floristic composition of the vegetation of sub-saharan Africa (Timberlake et al 2010)

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