The Effects of Synchronous Collaborative Technologies on Decision Making: A Study of Virtual Teams

The Effects of Synchronous Collaborative Technologies on Decision Making: A Study of Virtual Teams

Gary Baker
Copyright: © 2004 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-253-4.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Technological advances have an ever-increasing impact on our society. Globalization and the changing structures of organizations have created virtual work groups that are distributed across space (different sites) and time. Collaboration among workers is vital to both ongoing organizational activities and project-based activities. Communication is often seen as the most important factor contributing to the success of individuals, project teams, and organizational growth. Improved connectivity together with the increase in groups and teams has resulted in increased interest in extending the usefulness of IT at the individual level to support the issues faced by dispersed teams. This study compares the performance of sixty-four virtual teams utilizing four different collaborative technologies; text-only, audio-only, text-video and audio-video. While the results of the study found no significant difference between the quality of the decisions for teams using text-only versus audio-only communication, the addition of video to audio-only communication resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of teams’ strategic decisions.

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