Empowering Transformation: The Intersection of Information Literacy and Social Change in Academic Libraries

Empowering Transformation: The Intersection of Information Literacy and Social Change in Academic Libraries

Pitshou Moleka Basikabio
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1143-1.ch003
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This chapter examines the relationship between information literacy and social change in the context of academic libraries. In the rapidly evolving information landscape, information literacy plays a crucial role in empowering individuals to navigate the abundance of information, critically evaluate sources, and make informed decisions. Academic libraries, as key providers of information resources and services on college and university campuses, have a unique opportunity to foster information literacy skills among students and contribute to social change.
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In today's digital age, where information is readily available at our fingertips, the ability to navigate, evaluate, and effectively use this information has become increasingly important (Ahmad, Sidek, Zainudin, Hamzar & Affandi, 2023 ; Nicholas & Herman, 2010). This set of skills, commonly known as information literacy, plays a fundamental role in enabling individuals to make informed decisions, critically analyze information sources, and actively participate in democratic processes (De Paor & Heravi, 2020 ; Batchelor,2017 ; Landøy, Popa & Repanovici, 2020). As information literacy becomes a necessity for success in both academic and professional settings, academic libraries have a unique opportunity to foster these skills among students and promote social change (Alexander, Becker, Cummins & Giesinger, 2017 ; Moleka, 2023 ; Chizwina, Rabatseta, Bangani & Moyo, 2017).

According to Sharma and Upadhyay (2021), information literacy is the capacity to recognize information needs, find and assess pertinent sources, and use the knowledge gained in an efficient and moral manner to achieve particular goals. In a society overwhelmed by an abundance of information, individuals who possess strong information literacy skills are better equipped to filter through the noise, differentiate between credible and unreliable sources, and engage in critical thinking (Mrah, 2022). This ability to critically evaluate information is crucial for informed decision-making, allowing individuals to form their own opinions based on reliable evidence rather than being influenced by biased or inaccurate information (Mhaskar, Emmanuel, Mishra, Patel, Naik & Kumar, 2009).

With the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation (Akhtar, Ghouri, Khan et al. (2023), as well as the challenges posed by the fast-paced digital landscape, information literacy has become a critical tool for social change (Aïmeur, Amri & Brassard, 2023). It is possible to challenge injustices, question dominant narratives, and push for constructive society changes when one possesses the critical thinking and truth-telling skills. According to Henkel (2019), academic libraries are vital centers of knowledge and information on college and university campuses. They also have a big impact on societal change by promoting information literacy.

Academic libraries have traditionally been recognized as places where students and researchers access scholarly literature, textbooks, and reference materials. However, in today's digital era, their role extends far beyond the physical collection of books (Kim & Yang, 2022 ; Uzezi Otolo, 2021). They have transformed into dynamic information centers that provide access to a wide range of electronic resources, databases, e-journals, and other digital tools to support teaching, learning, and research (Raju, 2014). With their extensive expertise in information organization, retrieval, and evaluation, academic librarians are uniquely positioned to collaborate with faculty, students, and other stakeholders to promote information literacy (Cox, 2018 ; Yevelson-Shorsher & Bronstein, 2018).

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