A KM-Enabled Architecture for Collaborative Systems

A KM-Enabled Architecture for Collaborative Systems

Lina Zhou, Dongsong Zhang
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-931777-14-8.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Driven by the collaborative technology, COllaborative SYstems (COSY) facilitate information management in the organizations. In face of the dynamic and information-overloaded age, knowledge management (KM) has been recognized as an effective solution in the past few years. Thus, merging the force of COSY and KM will be very promising in increasing the competitive advantages of the organizations. This paper proposes a KM-enabled architecture for COSY. Some research issues related with KM in the new architecture are discussed. It is shown from applying the architecture to a virtual global business company that the architecture could support and integrate COSY and KM effectively.

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