Enhancing the Correctness of BPMN Models

Enhancing the Correctness of BPMN Models

Anacleto Correia, Fernando Brito e Abreu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8368-6.ch015
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While some of the OMG's metamodels include a formal specification of well-formedness rules, using OCL, the BPMN metamodel specification only includes those rules in natural language. Although several BPMN tools claim to support, at least partly, the OMG's BPMN specification, we found that the mainstream of BPMN tools do not enforce most of the prescribed BPMN rules. Furthermore, the verification of BPMN process models publicly available showed that a relevant percentage of those BPMN process models fail in complying with the well-formedness rules of the BPMN specification. The enforcement of process model's correctness is relevant for the sake of better quality of process modeling and to attain models amenable of being enacted. In this chapter we propose supplement the BPMN metamodel with well-formedness rules expressed as OCL invariants in order to enforce BPMN models' correctness.
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1. Introduction

BPMN (Business Process Modeling and Notation) is one of the most recent process modeling languages (OMG, 2011). So, it is grounded on the experience of earlier ones, which ontologically makes it one of the most complete process modeling languages available (J.C. Recker, Indulska, Rosemann, & Green, 2005; J.C. Recker, Rosemann, Indulska, & Green, 2009). BPMN is also nowadays the business process notation most used among BPM practitioners, and the process modeling language with more modeling tools available1 (Harmon & Wolf, 2011). BPMN has also transformations to other notations available, such as Petri-Nets and CSP, which allow the use of accessible tools for formal verification (Dijkman, Dumas, & Ouyang, 2007; Wong & Gibbons, 2008).

Version 2 of the BPMN standard, is a step forward in the alignment of process modeling with the OMG's initiative of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) (OMG, 2001). The BPMN language definition is based upon a metamodel built with the UML, the standard de facto for software engineering modeling (UML, 2007a, 2007b). Therefore, the BPMN standard formalization of the process modeling concepts and their relationships is accomplished by means of a metamodel. The specification defines different types of conformance that tools’ implementers can adhere for: (i) process modeling (elements that are part of the orchestration in a single process, as well as elements that participate in the collaboration among processes); (ii) BPMN process execution (the operational semantics support and interpretation of activity life-cycle); (iii) BPEL process execution (mapping of a BPMN model to WS-BPEL); and (iv) choreography modeling (emphasizing modeling of the interaction among participants).

The BPMN standard specification can be referred, for the definition and meaning of each element, as well as regarding how they can be connected. However, it is a complex technical document not intended to common business modelers. Besides, the standard does not provide guidance on how the modeling notation should be used to attain a comprehensible and expressive BPMN model. Moreover, a great deal of definitions and rules are presented informally in plain English. To fulfill this gap, best modeling practices and complementary well-formedness rules for BPMN models, have been proposed by academics and practitioners (Allweyer, 2010; Becker, Rosemann, & Von Uthmann, 2000; Correia & Brito e Abreu, 2012; Jan Mendling, Reijers, & Cardoso, 2007; J. Mendling, Reijers, & van der Aalst, 2010; Silver, 2009; Vanderfeesten, Reijers, Mendling, van der Aalst, & Cardoso, 2008; White & Miers, 2008).

BPMN is a semantically rich modeling language. While, for instance, a UML Activity Diagram has around 20 different modeling constructs, a BPMN process model diagram (the more complex of the 3 available ones) has around 100 different modeling constructs, including 51 event types, 8 gateway types, 7 data types, 4 types of activities, 6 activity markers, 7 task types, 4 flow types, pools, lanes, etc. If it is given to BPMN modelers the freedom to combine such a large plethora of modeling constructs, without a powerful validation and recommendation facility embedded in a modeling tool, inconsistencies and even invalid models could easily arise.

A metamodel (M2) describes the abstract syntax of a language by means of meta-classes, meta-associations and cardinality constraints. When UML is adopted for expressing metamodels, Object Constraint Language (OCL) clauses can be used in a declarative way, similar to 1st order predicate logic, to strengthen metamodel syntax and semantics, namely by imposing well-formedness and best practices rules that reduce the sources of modeling malformation (OMG, 2006).

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