Enhancing Web Search through Web Structure Mining

Enhancing Web Search through Web Structure Mining

Ji-Rong Wen
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 6
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-010-3.ch118
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The Web is an open and free environment for people to publish and get information. Everyone on the Web can be either an author, a reader, or both. The language of the Web, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), is mainly designed for information display, not for semantic representation. Therefore, current Web search engines usually treat Web pages as unstructured documents, and traditional information retrieval (IR) technologies are employed for Web page parsing, indexing, and searching. The unstructured essence of Web pages seriously blocks more accurate search and advanced applications on the Web. For example, many sites contain structured information about various products. Extracting and integrating product information from multiple Web sites could lead to powerful search functions, such as comparison shopping and business intelligence. However, these structured data are embedded in Web pages, and there are no proper traditional methods to extract and integrate them. Another example is the link structure of the Web. If used properly, information hidden in the links could be taken advantage of to effectively improve search performance and make Web search go beyond traditional information retrieval (Page, Brin, Motwani, & Winograd, 1998, Kleinberg, 1998). Although XML (Extensible Markup Language) is an effort to structuralize Web data by introducing semantics into tags, it is unlikely that common users are willing to compose Web pages using XML due to its complication and the lack of standard schema definitions. Even if XML is extensively adopted, a huge amount of pages are still written in the HTML format and remain unstructured. Web structure mining is the class of methods to automatically discover structured data and information from the Web. Because the Web is dynamic, massive and heterogeneous, automated Web structure mining calls for novel technologies and tools that may take advantage of state-of-the-art technologies from various areas, including machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, and databases and natural language processing.
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Web structure mining can be further divided into three categories based on the kind of structured data used.

  • Web graph mining: Compared to a traditional document set in which documents are independent, the Web provides additional information about how different documents are connected to each other via hyperlinks. The Web can be viewed as a (directed) graph whose nodes are the Web pages and whose edges are the hyperlinks between them. There has been a significant body of work on analyzing the properties of the Web graph and mining useful structures from it (Page et al., 1998; Kleinberg, 1998; Bharat & Henzinger, 1998; Gibson, Kleinberg, & Raghavan, 1998). Because the Web graph structure is across multiple Web pages, it is also called interpage structure.

  • Web information extraction (Web IE): In addition, although the documents in a traditional information retrieval setting are treated as plain texts with no or few structures, the content within a Web page does have inherent structures based on the various HTML and XML tags within the page. While Web content mining pays more attention to the content of Web pages, Web information extraction has focused on automatically extracting structures with various accuracy and granularity out of Web pages. Web content structure is a kind of structure embedded in a single Web page and is also called intrapage structure.

  • Deep Web mining: Besides Web pages that are accessible or crawlable by following the hyperlinks, the Web also contains a vast amount of noncrawlable content. This hidden part of the Web, referred to as the deep Web or the hidden Web (Florescu, Levy, & Mendelzon, 1998), comprises a large number of online Web databases. Compared to the static surface Web, the deep Web contains a much larger amount of high-quality structured information (Chang, He, Li, & Zhang, 2003). Automatically discovering the structures of Web databases and matching semantically related attributes between them is critical to understanding the structures and semantics of the deep Web sites and to facilitating advanced search and other applications.

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