Evolutionary Framework for Cognitive Building Information Modelling and Augmented and Virtual Reality

Evolutionary Framework for Cognitive Building Information Modelling and Augmented and Virtual Reality

Rakshit Kothari, Darshan Nyati, Mansvee Shah, Gayatri Mohanty, Mayank Patel
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5493-3.ch012
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Building information modelling (BIM) models are better acknowledged for both virtual reality and augmented reality (AR/VR). There are only a handful of reputable techniques for migrating data from BIM to AR and VR. Efficient data transmission is hindering the seamless integration of BIM models into AR and VR experiences. The metaverse integrates machine learning and artificial intelligence for efficient data processing and analysis, making real-time decision-making possible. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are used in the metaverse for cognitive approaches to represent large data sets. This shows that real-time inference technology and approaches are used. The significance of the study and broad computing architectures and programmes that help the organisations at the top levels operate with large data sets for a combination of cognitive abilities and splitting technology to deal with productivity, dependability, and security issues while dealing with massive data sets in mixed or virtual reality environments.
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As digitalization improved, Building Information modelling (BIM) was developed to address these disruptions. BIM implementation allows the AEC sector to use technology more effectively. A key aspect of implementing BIM is information analysis and archiving. Throughout a project's lifespan, BIM analysis and archiving enable informed decisions by giving the AEC sector useful information. This involves enhancing design, strengthening facility management, and improving building procedures. BIM encourages improved stakeholder engagement while enhancing efficiency and minimizing mistakes. We explore AR and VR in terms of the technology behind them and real-world AEC applications. It focused on how AR and VR were used in Facility management (FM). Mixed reality (MR) cases are rare and unheard of. Within 7D BIM, virtual reality is the most popular technology (Bartels & Hahne, 2023; Easwaran et al., 2022). Similar to VR, AR is also commonly used. AR is utilized in construction projects. When digital information is displayed on actual things in building projects, it helps employees visualize designs and make informed decisions. By providing thorough directions and simulations for difficult work, it also helps with training. Common obstacles to BIM deployment include a lack of internal knowledge, technical difficulties, process problems, and misunderstandings regarding BIM, as well as versioning and process problems. Many common issues, including work practices (particularly, internal expertise levels regarding BIM knowledge), process issues, technical issues, and other issues (inaccurate information regarding what BIM is and the best way to adopt it into the current work practice) can frequently impede BIM implementation.

Figure 1.

3D to 7D transformation of the B.I.M model


The efficiency of VR in 7D BIM, specifically in maintenance, is tested using a prototype. Finding the building's parts will allow for preservation and inspection. This prototype proved how valuable virtual reality can be for correctional maintenance (Bruno, De Fino, & Fatiguso, 2018; Hiran et al., 2024). This prototype can save even more time, money, and effort. VR technology allows maintenance staff to explore an online model of a structure, finding components requiring preservation or inspection. This automates the procedure and decreases the number of physical inspections, saving time and money. Because of the immersive nature of VR, proper assessment of possible flaws is ensured, allowing for rapid remedial procedures. By Connecting 7D BIM to technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) via game engines is a valuable asset. However, some hurdles must still be created within the game engines. VR settings still require a significant amount of improvement. As a result, four major criteria for enabling VR applications inside 7-D BIM were developed. Further research should focus on connecting BIM, FM, and the Internet of Things (IoT) in a virtual environment. Integrating AI algorithms in construction and facility management processes might improve stakeholder participation and real-time data exchange (Kothari, 2023; Wanjale et al., 2023). This study might also look at the possibilities of AI algorithms for enhancing building performance in virtual settings. In figure.2 it shows the dependency of AR/VR with collection of different data.

Figure 2.

Relationship between AR/VR and BIM


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