Evolving Business Intelligence on Data Integration, ETL Procedures, and the Power of Predictive Analytics

Evolving Business Intelligence on Data Integration, ETL Procedures, and the Power of Predictive Analytics

D. Lavanya, Divya Marupaka, Sandeep Rangineni, Shashank Agarwal, Latha Thammareddi, T. Shynu
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0049-7.ch001
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In today's fast-paced and data-driven corporate market, the capacity to fully utilize information is critical. Business intelligence (BI) is the foundation of informed decision-making, allowing firms to turn unprocessed information into actionable insights. It is a process that starts with understanding data integration methodologies and learning extract, transform, load (ETL) procedures, which serve as the foundation for effective BI systems. Businesses, and hence the BI landscape, are continually evolving in our rapid digital world. While an established basis in data integration is still essential, there is a compelling movement toward the future—a future in which predictive analytics, including machine learning, will play critical roles in influencing the way we extract value from data. This chapter will conduct a thorough examination of these key aspects. The authors begin by delving into the complexities of data integration, uncovering the processes and procedures that serve as the foundation for solid business intelligence operations.
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1. Introduction

Predictive analytics is a datasets-driven process that makes forecasts about future occurrences or outcomes using historical data, statistical methodologies, and modern machine learning algorithms (Abu-Rumman, 2021). It is a proactive strategy for decision-making that enables organizations to find undetected patterns, trends, and linkages in their data and then utilize this information to predict what will happen next (Bloch & Sacks, 2018).

Predictive analytics is a valuable technique in the context of business intelligence (BI) (Marjamäki, 2023) for generating insights into possible scenarios in the future (Chung & Chung, 2013). It helps with risk evaluation, resource allocation, and strategy planning (Abu-Rumman and Qawasmeh, 2021). Predictive analytics, for example, can be used by a retail organization to forecast consumer demand for products based on previous sales data, fluctuations in demand, and other factors (Alayli, 2023). As a result, they can optimize their inventory levels, pricing methods, and marketing efforts (Dayal et al., 2009; Kavya & Arumugam, 2016).

  • Machine Learning: Machine learning, an element of artificial intelligence, entails the creation of algorithms and models that allow computers to acquire knowledge from data as well as make predictions or judgments without having to be explicitly programmed (Al Shraah et al., 2022). Machine learning algorithms have been developed to improve their performance automatically once they become privy to additional data, enabling them to gradually adapt and make more precise forecasts over time (Massaro et al., 2019). Machine learning is an important component of business intelligence because it provides the level of automation required to conduct predictive activities quickly (Lee & Cheang, 2021; 2022). It can analyze massive amounts of data to unearth useful insights that people would find impossible or impractical to discern (Al Shraah et al., 2013). Machine learning models, for example, can be used to anticipate customer attrition, identify potential fraud, and enhance marketing campaigns by examining past customer data (Lishmah Dominic et al., 2023; Vashishtha & Dhawan, 2023).

  • Significance: Predictive analytics and machine learning are crucial in business intelligence because they allow firms to:

  • Anticipate Trends: Businesses may foresee trends in the market, consumer preferences, and demand for products or services by studying past data and recognizing patterns, helping businesses stay far ahead of their competitors (Al-maaitah et al., 2021).

  • Enhance Decision-Making: Predictive analytics and machine learning deliver data-driven insights that assist companies in making better informed and strategic decisions, whether in marketing, operations, or resource allocation (Anand et al., 2023).

  • Improve Customer Engagement: These strategies allow for individualized suggestions, promotional efforts, and customer service, which leads to increased client contentment and loyalty (Ramos et al., 2023).

  • Optimize Operations: Organizations can use predictive analytics to improve supply chain management, control of inventory, maintenance schedules, and labor planning, resulting in cost savings and enhanced efficiency (Kuragayala, 2023).

Retailers utilize predictive analytics to forecast product demand, enhance pricing tactics, and provide personalized product recommendations (Saxena et al., 2023). Amazon’s recommendation system, which proposes things to customers based on their online activity and purchasing history, is a popular example (Said & Tripathi, 2023; Venkateswaran & Viktor, 2023).

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