Explicating Sustainable Development Growth and Triumph: An Islamic-Based Sustainability Model

Explicating Sustainable Development Growth and Triumph: An Islamic-Based Sustainability Model

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5113-7.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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The chapter provides valuable insight into the Islamic teachings in environmental conservation. Yet, the gaps exist in the study and understanding of environmental sustainability from the Islamic approach. This chapter identifies sustainable practices from Islamic views based on 12 articles derived from a systematic review. Results reveal the documents emphasizing the principle of Tawhid, Khalifa (vicegerent), Fitra, Mizan (balance), and Islamic jurisprudence. The findings contribute to the conceptualization of sustainability and identifying sustainable practices from Islamic views. The study further constructs an Islamic-based sustainability model for enhancing sustainable development growth and triumph. Islam is concerned about the significance of the human-environment link on environmental protection and conservation. The human-environment connection is essential for future sustainable growth.
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Islam acknowledges sustainable development by stressing the human-environment connection's significant nature because much environmental degradation is due to people's ignorance of what their Creator requires. God has said, “And do good as Allah has done well to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth. Allâh does not love the corrupters” (Al-Quran 28:77). Hence, people should be aware that God demands environmental conservation, and it is people's duty and liability. Also grateful to what God has given, your added value assigned to the environment is preserving and protecting it.

There is evidence in many of the verses in the Al-Quran, and several sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stress the importance of environmental concerns and man's responsibility to the environment. Religion can teach humankind to value the environment and prudently use natural resources. Man's rights over the environment are to consume within moderation, balance, and conservation. It is against nature or transgression of rights if used with greed, selfishness, extravagance, and waste reflecting our ego/desire to environmental misused. The Al-Quran reveals that “Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]” (Al-Quran 30:41). Therefore, humankind's attributes to nature can be an inducer or inhibitor of the disaster in the world.

Allah the Almighty creates the universe for the sustenance of life (Al-Quran, 7:10) in due proportion and measurement that are ample for human use since the world exists provided managed wisely. The primary source of Islam, the Al Quran, tells us that humankind is a trustee (Khalifa) of the earth and liable in the Day of Resurrection (Al-Quran, 6:165). Humankind bestowed with mentalities must execute trust as commanded by Allah the Almighty since they are part of nature but excellent than other creations (Al-Quran, 6: 38). However, Islam tells us that the best among them is the most pious to his Creator-Allah the Almighty (Al-Quran, 49:13).

Consequently, the sustainable concept is not new in Islam. The Al Quran and Hadith vindicate the construction for humanity's spiritual and physical welfare and justice and equity and how to deal with the environment. Yet has a little discussion in research and literature predominant by western industries and researchers. Indeed, comprehensive waste and environmental management regulations were as early as 1539 during the Ottoman reign (1299-1923). Later, Islamic scholars highlighted sustainability studies from an Islamic perspective since the 1970s but significantly emerged post-2000. Based on the Brundtland Report's sustainability definition (Brundtland, 1987), organization integrates environmental sustainability practices in their strategic planning to manage their environmental, economic, and social performance improvement.

Many contemporary studies induce and seek new sustainable practices to construct a valued physical environment quality due to climate change, global warming, and other disasters that caused environmental damage. Today's environmental practices built to preserve and sustain the natural environment for the future lead to benefits to many aspects. The concept of sustainable practices is the creation of ecological intentions, activities, initiatives, or culture and its sustainability that positively impacts the universe and its ecosystem: people, social factors such as quality of life, benefits of social safety for all stakeholders. Despite this, there is a lack of study and understanding of the environment, sustainable practices, sustainability, and sustainable development from the Islamic approach.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Human-Environment Connection: Man's rights and responsibility to the environment, duty, and liability toward nature. Man's rights over the environment are to consume within moderation, balance, and conservation.

Islamic Jurisprudence: Jurisprudence sharia (the ethics of action and belief in the day of judgment).

Islamic-Based Sustainability: A model comprises Tawhid, Khalifa, Creation, balance, and Islamic jurisprudence principles for sustainable development growth and triumph; a practical and comprehensive solution to environmental degradation and challenges.

Tawhid: Is a belief in God, beliefs in Allah's Oneness, and practicing what God has said fully.

Fitrah (Creation): The natural state or the notion of harmony in the systems of the universe or to respect nature and all forms of life.

Khalifa: Allah's vicegerent (Khalifa) on earth, the custodian/guardian/trustee of nature, do its part to the universe by giving happiness to other creations, protecting nature, not controlling it.

Mizan: Balance the nature of the earth to ensure that all creation can successfully be doing their duty and function effectively according to Allah's law.

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