Exploring the Challenges and Applications of Generative AI on Engineering Education in Mexico

Exploring the Challenges and Applications of Generative AI on Engineering Education in Mexico

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0487-7.ch011
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This chapter explores the potential and challenges of implementing generative artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering education in Mexico. It highlights the relevance of developing broader competences like critical thinking, collaboration, and cognitive processing to prepare students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Integrating generative AI and STEM education can foster collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. Challenges include the gap between demand and supply of skilled engineers and the need to enhance education quality. The chapter proposes personalized learning experiences, enhanced student engagement, workload reduction for teachers, and the use of large language models and simulated environments as key applications of generative AI. Leveraging learning analytics and generative AI can tailor content to students' needs. Ethical considerations and human oversight are crucial for successful integration.
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With the arrival of 21st-century skills and the Next Generation Science Standards, the relevance of broader learning skills and competences such as cognitive processing, critical thinking, and cooperation has been stressed. As a result, contemporary educational environments and philosophies aim to include authentic practices that entail solving serious challenges together. To prosper in this changing environment, both students and teachers demand better and more customized support.

To generate students with 21st-century abilities, the interaction between STEM education and Industry 4.0 should be strengthened. Collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity are examples of these abilities. It is commonly understood that the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will have deep and rapid effects on society and the earth. While the exact impact is unknown, higher education must respond immediately. The potential for these technologies to create either catastrophic environmental devastation or great societal consequences is upon us. Furthermore, there is rising concern about the potential loss of control over networks of strong AI agents with increasing autonomy, especially in the financial and urban infrastructure sectors (Roll et al., 2016).

The technique known as generative artificial intelligence (AI) has gained significant traction and has the capacity to transform numerous academic fields. This technology provides new chances to improve teaching and learning approaches in the field of education. Engineering education in Mexico, in particular, can benefit substantially from the use of generative AI.

A prominent use-case for computer-based learning in the past featured a student working with a computer in a math or science classroom to answer step-by-step tasks focusing on domain-specific knowledge, with a human tutor serving as the gold standard. This use-case, however, fails to take into account current changes in educational practices and theories (Pillay et al., 2018).

Furthermore, the function of the teacher in the classroom has changed. From being the wise man on stage, they have become the sidekick. Teachers are no longer expected to know everything and simply pass it on to students. Instead, their job is to help students search, find, and integrate information, allowing them to become independent and collaborative thinkers.

Technology and education are connected in a complex and varied area with political, economic, social, and pedagogical repercussions. In today's “technological societies,” the use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning tasks has become critical. Understanding and incorporating technology into the curriculum has also developed as a critical part of education. As a result, the creation of technology and programs that firmly support instructional activities has become critical, supporting overall advancements in the educational landscape (Zhao et al., 2019).

The use of computer applications to supplement teaching and learning has become widespread in many nations, notably in the global North. These apps facilitate a wide range of educational activities, from subject-specific learning, such as “Logic” or “Algorithms”, to engaging in practice exercises and drills in subjects such as “Arithmetic” or “Geometry.” They are also used in formative and summative evaluations. This ubiquity extends across all educational levels, from primary to postgraduate, and includes a wide range of courses that go beyond the sciences and into the realms of the arts and humanities. Notably, many of these programs can be defined as artificial intelligence in essence, sticking to the broad definition of serving as instrumental tools that aid students in their understanding of various topics, such as mathematics (Sanchez-Pi et al., 2021).

AI-powered systems have enormous potential to change the educational landscape. These applications can provide personalized and adaptive learning experiences by employing AI algorithms and methodologies, adapting educational content and exercises to the specific needs of individual learners. AI-based tools, with their ability to analyze large volumes of data and discover trends, provide insights into student performance and fast feedback, increasing the learning process.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Personalized Learning Experience: Personalized learning experience is an educational approach that tailors teaching methods, content, and pace to the individual needs, preferences, and abilities of each learner. It aims to enhance engagement and understanding by addressing specific learning styles and interests.

Simulated Environments: Simulated environments are virtual or digital settings created to simulate real-world scenarios or circumstances. They provide a secure and controlled environment for users to gain experience without experiencing negative effects in real life, and are frequently utilized for training, experimentation, or research reasons.

Industry 4.0: Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, characterized by the integration of digital technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), automation, artificial intelligence, and data exchange in manufacturing processes to create “smart factories” and optimize industrial production.

Generative AI: A branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on building models that can produce new content, including pictures, videos, texts, or music, that closely resembles data that has been created by humans.

Learning Analytics: Learning analytics involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data related to educational activities and environments. It leverages data to gain insights into student learning patterns, performance, and behavior, enabling educators to make data-driven decisions and improve learning outcomes.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics): STEM is an acronym that represents the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It emphasizes the integration of these subjects to promote problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): The imitation of human intellect in computer programs that are designed to carry out operations that traditionally call for human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

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