Exploring the Relationship Between Tourist Experiences at Creative Tourist Destinations and Their Intentions to Indulge in Co-Creation Activities

Exploring the Relationship Between Tourist Experiences at Creative Tourist Destinations and Their Intentions to Indulge in Co-Creation Activities

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2619-0.ch005
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This chapter examines the evolution of tourism from passive consumption to active engagement, focusing on co-creation where tourists collaborate with service providers, local communities, and fellow travelers to shape their own experiences. Central to this is creative tourism, with sites offering immersive artistic activities as a hub for co-creation. This study, drawing on recent research, explores how experiences in these creative environments influence tourists' readiness to engage in co-creation. It establishes a theoretical framework connecting these experiences with their co-creative inclination and identifies key factors influencing a tourist's intent to participate co-creatively. The findings provide insights for destination planners and industry professionals, underscoring the importance of participatory experiences in building loyalty and improving visitor satisfaction. The chapter concludes by highlighting research gaps and suggesting future research directions in the intersection of tourist experiences and co-creation.
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In the past decade, the tourism industry has witnessed a paradigm shift towards a more interactive and participatory model, where tourists are no longer mere consumers of pre-packaged experiences. Instead, they have become active participants, contributing to the creation and customization of their own experiences (Weiler & Black, 2021). This shift is primarily driven by the growing desire among tourists to have unique, personalized, and meaningful experiences, leading to the emergence of co-creation as a significant phenomenon within the tourism sector. Co-creation, in the context of tourism, involves the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including tourists, service providers, local communities, and fellow travelers, to create value and enhance the overall experience. It signifies a departure from traditional consumption patterns towards a more inclusive and engaging approach, where the process of creating experiences is shared among all participants (Campos et al., 2018). The concept of co-creation in tourism has evolved from simple participatory activities to complex interactions that span cultural, social, and economic dimensions. Co-creation activities can take various forms, ranging from tourists co-designing their travel itineraries with tour operators to engaging in cultural exchange programs with local communities. These activities enable tourists to gain deeper insights into the destination's heritage, culture, and lifestyle, fostering a sense of connection and belonging.

Creative tourism destinations, characterized by their focus on arts, culture, and heritage, provide fertile ground for co-creation activities. These destinations offer tourists opportunities to engage in creative endeavors, such as art workshops, cooking classes, and cultural festivals, which not only enrich their travel experience but also allow them to contribute their own perspectives and skills to the local culture (Prebensen et al., 2018). To comprehensively understand the dynamics of tourist co-creation in creative destinations, it is essential to establish a theoretical framework that links tourists' experiences to their willingness to engage in co-creation activities. This framework should consider various factors, including tourists' motivations, expectations, and previous experiences, as well as the unique attributes of creative destinations that facilitate co-creative interactions. Drawing on theories of experiential value and tourist engagement, this framework posits that tourists' desire to participate in co-creation activities is influenced by the perceived value of these experiences. Factors such as the opportunity for personal growth, the chance to express creativity, and the potential for meaningful social interactions play crucial roles in shaping tourists' intentions to engage in co-creation (Binkhorst & Den Dekker, 2013).

Identifying the key characteristics that influence tourists' intentions to participate in co-creation activities is crucial for destination managers seeking to enhance the co-creation experience. These characteristics can be broadly categorized into individual factors, such as tourists' personal interests and creativity levels, and destination-specific factors, including the availability of co-creation opportunities and the supportiveness of the local community. Furthermore, the role of digital technology in facilitating co-creation activities cannot be overlooked. Social media platforms and mobile applications offer new avenues for tourists to engage with destinations and fellow travelers, sharing their experiences and ideas in real-time. This digital engagement not only amplifies the co-creation experience but also extends its reach beyond the physical boundaries of the destination.

To capitalize on the potential of co-creation in enhancing tourist experiences, destination managers must adopt a strategic approach to promoting active tourist participation. This involves creating an environment that encourages creativity and collaboration, providing platforms for tourists to share their ideas and feedback, and designing co-creation activities that are accessible and appealing to a diverse range of tourists. Moreover, destination managers should leverage digital technology to facilitate co-creation, using social media and other online tools to engage tourists before, during, and after their visit. By fostering a sense of community among tourists and facilitating ongoing interaction with the destination, managers can enhance loyalty, satisfaction, and the overall attractiveness of the destination.

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