External Barriers Affecting E-Waste Remanufacturing in the Indian Context

External Barriers Affecting E-Waste Remanufacturing in the Indian Context

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7573-7.ch004
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In the last few decades, there has been massive growth in the electrical and electronic industries. The demand for electronic products is growing enormously, resulting in a greater amount of e-waste being produced. Remanufacturing is a method of transforming end-of-use (EOU) or end-of-life (EOL) products to the given standards or specifications of the original product. In India, remanufacturing is at a nascent stage. In this study, critical barriers that will affect e-waste remanufacturing in the Indian context are identified, and the logical relationship between them is found using ISM and MICMAC. The result shows that lack of collection centres, customer eagerness to return the product, and uncertainty in demand are major driving barriers; and incomplete recycling systems, sorting policies, consumption attitudes, and uncertainty in quality are major dependent barriers. To increase customer eagerness to return used products, organise proper awareness programs so that people will know the effects of e-waste. It will also increase the demand for used products.
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Literature Review

In worldwide electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the fast growing waste stream, which contains range of toxic substances which affects the social health and contaminate the surroundings if proper disposal protocol are not managed (Kiddee et al., 2013). In India, green consciousness, government incentive, return intent, and organization vision are the key persuasive factors for E-waste remanufacturing (Singhal, Tripathy, & Kumar 2018). In Malaysia, the potential challenges of remanufacturing are (a) Marketing and Competition (b) raw material collection (c) skill manpower and expert (d) product design (e) environmental and government (f) technology and method (Shamee & Shamsuddin 2019).

The prominent external barriers to remanufacturing are the absence of channels to collect the used product and consumer opposition to returning the product, the casual barriers are the timing of return of the product and uncertainty in quantity (Kumar, Agrawal, & Sharma 2015). Uncertain government policy and regulation, a lack of management foresight, and negligence of the environment are the main hurdles of remanufacturing (Singhal et al., 2018).

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