Face Detection And Recognition Through Live Stream

Face Detection And Recognition Through Live Stream

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1186-8.ch010
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This chapter delves into the development of a machine-based project aimed at detecting and identifying human faces, a process known as face recognition. This process not only discerns human faces but also determines whether the face is familiar or unfamiliar, with advanced iterations even providing the identified individual's name. OpenCV, a tool within the realm of image processing, is utilized to ascertain the detected face. The implementation of this method occurs in two phases: training and testing. The project's design primarily incorporates live-stream face detection, feature extraction, and recognition of detected faces from a stored database. This technology has potential applications in criminal identification and security surveillance in police investigations. The machine-based nature of the project significantly reduces the likelihood of errors compared to manual recognition. The chapter concludes by comparing the detected and processed faces with a database to recognize familiar faces, thereby verifying the individual's real identity.
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1. Introduction

Human vision is an exquisite phenomenon, a product of millions of years of evolution that equips us with the extraordinary capability to interpret our surroundings with depth, detail, and color (Li, Mu, Li, & Peng, 2020). It's especially striking to realize how, out of all the things we see, the human brain possesses a unique flair for recognizing and distinguishing myriad faces seamlessly. Every day, we cross paths with countless individuals, yet our brain effortlessly identifies and recalls familiar faces, setting them apart from the unknown ones (Khan, Chakraborty, Astya, & Khepra, 2019). This phenomenon is, in itself, remarkable. However, the processes by which the brain manages this colossal task remain among the myriad enigmas of neuroscience and cognitive studies (Cuimei, Zhiliang, Nan, & Jianhua, 2017). This enigma, juxtaposed with the escalating demand of today's digital era, has birthed a fascinating and rapidly advancing domain of scientific inquiry: automated face recognition (Savas, Ilkin, & Becerikli, 2016).

The intersection of technology and this natural human ability has opened up intriguing prospects. As we delve deeper into this narrative, it becomes evident that the most significant breakthroughs in automated face recognition are attributable to pattern recognition and machine learning (Goyal, Agarwal, & Kumar, 2017). Pattern recognition equips machines to see and discern different facial features. In contrast, machine learning teaches them to analyze, interpret, and remember these features like the human brain (Turk & Pentland, 1991). The symbiosis of these two realms of technology has culminated in the creating of sophisticated automated face recognition systems. These systems are revolutionizing security and identification processes and transforming our day-to-day interactions, both with technology-driven platforms and amongst ourselves (Jagtap, Kangale, Unune, & Gosavi, 2019). As we stand on the cusp of this new age, we can only marvel at the future implications and possibilities of such advancements (Fan, Zhang, Wang, & Lu, 2012).

The Challenge of Face Detection

At first, glance, recognizing a face may seem like a simple task, something we do without a second thought. However, when we attempt to recreate this ability in a machine, the complexity of the task quickly becomes apparent. While effective in some cases, manual recognition can be inefficient and impractical, particularly when dealing with large numbers of faces or when quick identification is necessary.

As such, face detection in computer vision remains a challenging problem. The task becomes exponentially more complex when we factor in the need to recognize individuals in crowded spaces, with varying lighting conditions, different angles, and even with partial occlusions of the face.

Despite these challenges, significant progress has been made in automating face recognition. In the following sections, we'll explore the foundational research that has made these advancements possible, the tools and technologies powering modern face recognition, and the step-by-step process that allows machines to recognize human faces.

The Historical Foundation of Face Recognition

The journey towards automated face recognition began long before the advent of modern computers. One key precursor can be found in the works of Charles Darwin, who meticulously studied human facial expressions and their universal nature across different cultures. Darwin's research laid the groundwork for understanding facial expressions as a form of non-verbal communication, an understanding that would later prove crucial in the development of face recognition systems.

In recent years, the field has shifted towards harnessing the power of computer algorithms for face recognition. One example of this is the Eigenfaces method, which uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of face images and highlight the features most important for recognition. This method was a crucial stepping stone in the evolution of face recognition technologies.

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