Formalization of Hidden Markov Model

Formalization of Hidden Markov Model

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8315-0.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter, the authors provide the formalization of extended DTMC models, namely Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), which are the core concept for formally evaluating the probability of the occurrence of a particular observed sequence and finding the best state sequence to generate given observation (Mantyla & Tutkimuskeskus, 2001; Rabiner, 1990). In order to present the usefulness of the formalization of HMM and the formal verification of HMM properties, the authors illustrate the formal analysis of a DNA (Deoxyribon Nucleic Acid) sequence at the end of the chapter.
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8.1 Definition Of Hmm

In order to accurately analyze the HMMs (Eddy, 2004), we propose to apply the formalized DTMC to formally define HMMs and verify their properties in higher-order logic as the extended DTMC models.

An HMM is a pair of two stochastic processes { Xk; Yk } k ≥ 0, where { Xk } k ≥ 0 is a Markov chain, and { Yk } k ≥ 0 is conditionally independent of { Xk }, i.e., Yk depends only on Xk and not on any Xt, such that t ≠ k. The HMMs model situations where an experimenter sees some observers at every instant (mathematically represented by Yk) and suspects these observables to be the outcome of a process that can be modeled by a Markov chain ({ Xk } k ≥ 0). The name “Hidden Markov Model” arises from the fact that the state in which this model is at a particular instant is not available to the observer. Now, a HMM is defined as a parameterized triple (A, B, π (0)) with the following conditions:

  • 1.

    Hidden Markov Chain { Xk } k ≥ 0 with a finite state space S, the initial distribution π (0) = { π i (0) } i є S and the transition probabilities A = { aij } i є S, j є S.

  • 2.

    A random process { Yk } k ≥ 0 with finite state space O. The hidden Markov chain and the random process are associated with the emission probabilities B = { bj (Ok) } j є S,k є O = { Pr { Yn = Ok | Xn = j } } j є S, k є O. It implies that:

    • a.

      ∀ j k. bj (Ok) ≥0,

    • b.

      ∑ k є Obj (Ok) = 1.

  • 3.

    The random process { Yk } k ≥ 0 and hidden Markov chain { Xk } k ≥ 0 have conditional independence.

This yields the formalization (Liu, 2013):

  • Definition 8.1

⊢ ∀ X Y p sX sY p0 pij pXY.
hmm X Y p sX sY p0 pij pXY =
dtmc X p sX p0 pij∧ (∀t. random variable (Y t) p sY) ∧
(∀ i. i ∈ space sY978-1-4666-8315-0.ch008.m01 { i } ∈ subsets sY) ∧
(∀ t a i. ℙ { x | X t x = I } ≠ 0 ⇒
ℙ ({ x | Y t x = a } | { x | X t x = I }) = pXY t a I) ∧
∀ t a i tx0 ty0 stsX stsY tsX tsY.
t ∉ { tx0 + m | m ∈ tsX } ∧ t ∉ { ty0 + m | m ∈ tsY } ∧
ℙ ({ x | X t x = I } ∩k є t sX { x | X (tx0 + k) x = EL k stsX } ∩
k є t sY{ x | Y (ty0 + k) x = EL k stsY }) ≠ 0 ⇒
ℙ ({ x | Y t x = a } |
({ x | X t x = I } ∩ k є t sX { x | X (tx0 + k) x = EL k stsX } ∩
k є t sY { x | Y (ty0 + k) x = EL k stsY })) =
ℙ ({ x | Y t x = a } | { x | X t x = I })

In this definition, the variable X denotes the random variable of the underlying DTMC (as the first conjunct constrains), Y indicates the random observations (so Y t is a random process as the second condition describes), and pXY indicates the emission probabilities, i.e., the probability of obtaining a particular value for Y depending on the state X. Like the second condition in Definition 6.3, the condition (∀ i. i ∈ space sY ⇒ { I } ∈ subsets sY) ensures that the event space is a discrete space. The conjunct (∀ t a i. ℙ { x | X t x = I } ≠ 0 ⇒ ℙ ({ x | Y t x = a } | { x | X t x = I }) = pXY t a I) assigns the function pXY to emission probabilities under the condition ℙ { x | X t x = I } ≠ 0, which ensures that the corresponding conditional probabilities are well-defined. The non-trivial conjunct in the above definition is the last one which formalizes the notion of conditional independence mentioned above. In our work, we consider mainly discrete time and finite-state space HMMs, which is the most frequently used case.

Time-homogenous HMMs can also be formalized in a way similar to time homogenous DTMCs (Liu, 2013). Note that, in practice, time-homogenous HMMs always have a finite state-space (Liu, Aravantinos, Hasan & Tahar, 2014).

  • Definition 8.2

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