Formative Journeys: Formative Assessment With Journey Mapping Through Hero Stories, Gamification, Computational Thinking

Formative Journeys: Formative Assessment With Journey Mapping Through Hero Stories, Gamification, Computational Thinking

Susan A. Elwood, Misty R. Kesterson, Kelli Bippert, Heather DeGrande, Patricia Boyson
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2468-1.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The general purposes of this chapter are to provide a related literature review and share current pedagogical practices supporting formative digital-based assessments, especially as pertains to online/hybrid environments shared among a variety of educational community members (preservice teachers, in service teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, university faculty, K-12 students and family members). The authors have implemented a cross-course collaborative model in which university undergraduate and graduate students collaborate with each other toward greater service to community family events. The literature review includes 1) pedagogies in online/ blended learning environments, 2) top inquiry-based learning digital tools within collaborative learning systems, 3) digital-based formative and summative assessment, 4) gamification and computational thinking. The authors then present frameworks of a cross-course collaboration model: 1) pedagogical applications of their journey storytelling as digital formative assessments, as well as 2) empathy and journey mapping.
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The general perspective of this chapter is from preservice or inservice educators, university faculty members seeking related, current research-based practices. The objectives of this chapter are to:

  • Discuss current research primarily related to digital-based formative assessments, design thinking in gamification and computational thinking, and awareness of top inquiry-based learning digital tools within collaborative learning systems;

  • Present related theoretical frameworks, as well as more innovative combined frameworks;

  • Share pedagogical practices supporting formative digital-based learning assessments based upon hybrid, inquiry-based learning instructional designs.

This chapter’s key sections include background literature review, cross-course collaboration model for pedagogical applications, future research directions, and the conclusion.


Background Literature Review

The section is comprised of pedagogies in online/blended learning environments, inquiry-based learning digital tools within collaborative learning systems, digital based formative and summative assessments, and gamification and computational thinking.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Educator: Is broadly defined as anyone in an educator role. Preservice teachers, inservice teachers, nursing educators, trainers, and instructional designers are all examples of educators.

Persona: In the Hero’s Journey, this represents the individual that is traveling the journey’s path.

Cross-Course Collaboratives: Multiple courses taught by multiple educators contribute to the same service to community project. Each course contributes at least one major course learning outcome in a collaborative service to community event.

Productive Balance: The desired overlapping area amongst technical accommodation, task clarity, and integrative potential.

Service to Community Event / Family Event: Is defined as university students’ individual contribution to a cross-course collaborative event. Each university student leads in an activity they designed or contributed to for the service to community/family event.

Student: Is broadly defined as anyone in a student role. College or university students in their courses or inservice teachers in professional development are examples of students.

Scenario: With respect to the Hero’s Journey, this is the series of events that comprise a chapter of a journey.

Socioconstructive: With respect to education, this is a belief that through experiences, while socially engaging, all those involved in the experiences learn and grow in various ways.

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