Foundations of Cross-Cultural Knowledge Management

Foundations of Cross-Cultural Knowledge Management

Nhu T. B Nguyen, Katsuhiro Umemoto
Copyright: © 2011 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-203-1.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Although the term “Cross-Cultural Knowledge Management” (CCKM) appeared in the recent literature, no study has defined CCKM yet. This is the first study that discusses the process of cross-cultural knowledge creation. Reviewing the literature on the relationship between cross-cultural management (CCM) and knowledge management (KM), we found that the term CCKM is emerged from two streams. The first stream used CCKM to describe KM in a cross-cultural environment while the second stream explored culture as knowledge. Following two streams, we then define CCKM as a series of practices to recognize and understand cultural differences to develop a new culture thereby adjusting to cross-cultural environment. This definition helped us to examine the process of cross-cultural knowledge creation and the role of leadership in this process. Not only contributing to developing KM in a new way that can be applied to practice in utilizing and creating cross-cultural knowledge for KM activities, but this chapter also may have many practical implications for leaders to manage effectively cross-cultural knowledge of members in organizations.
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Culture As Knowledge

As we explained, we base our understanding of Cross-Cultural Knowledge Management on the perception culture as knowledge. To explain this perception, we first explore the concept of knowledge. At the same time, we review the characteristics of the relevant concepts of cross-cultural knowledge to propose which one of these characteristics can be used to describe the knowledge concept. Following that, we sketch out our interpretation of culture as knowledge.

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