FPGA Coprocessor for Simulation of Neural Networks Using Compressed Matrix Storage

FPGA Coprocessor for Simulation of Neural Networks Using Compressed Matrix Storage

Jörg Bornschein
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-018-1.ch011
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An FPGA-based coprocessor has been implemented which simulates the dynamics of a large recurrent neural network composed of binary neurons. The design has been used for unsupervised learning of receptive fields. Since the number of neurons to be simulated (>104) exceeds the available FPGA logic capacity for direct implementation, a set of streaming processors has been designed. Given the state- and activity vectors of the neurons at time t and a sparse connectivity matrix, these streaming processors calculate the state- and activity vectors for time t + 1. The operation implemented by the streaming processors can be understood as a generalized form of a sparse matrix vector product (SpMxV). The largest dataset, the sparse connectivity matrix, is stored and processed in a compressed format to better utilize the available memory bandwidth.
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The connectionist model of information processing assumes that useful behavior is an emergent property of a huge number of relatively simple interacting units. A given connectionist model describes two things: On the one hand it describes the behavior of the individual units, the neurons; how they react to incoming stimuli and the output they generate. On the other hand it describes the connectivity between these units. Typically the exact structure of these connections varies over time; sometimes because of a learning process, sometimes, on smaller timescales, to facilitate dynamic plasticity.

For some models a mathematical abstraction can be found which allows the emergent macroscopic behavior to be understood without simulating the system at hand. In general, this is not the case and simulations are the predominant tool to understand the behavior of the modeled systems. Interesting systems often consist of more than 10,000 neurons with non-trivial connectivity between them. The human brain for example consists of about 1011 neurons with more than 1014 synapses between them. When considering strategies how to simulate connectionist systems, we can think of two extreme cases:

  • 1.

    Sequentially simulate one neuron after another. For every neuron all input signals are collected and the neuron's output is computed.

  • 2.

    Physically instantiate a simulation circuit for every neuron and make sure they all receive the input stimuli they need to compute a time step.

While in nature we find the second extreme realized, an arbitrary working point in between can be chosen. It is up to the software or hardware engineer to find a suitable trade-off, which makes best use of available hardware for a given system. In this work we assume that the number of neurons to be simulated exceeds the number of neurons that can be directly instantiated due to hardware resource limits. Given this assumption it is evident that, irrespective of the exact nature of the neuron simulator, be it software running on a CPU or a hardware implementation of a state-machine, some kind of multiplexing mechanism must exist to simulate a large number of neurons. The data needed to simulate a time step can be divided into three parts: A neural state vector 978-1-60960-018-1.ch011.m01 which records the internal state of all neurons; an activity vector 978-1-60960-018-1.ch011.m02, which can be directly derived from 978-1-60960-018-1.ch011.m03and stores if a neuron is firing or not, and a connection matrix Mij which determines if and how a neuron j is connected to a neuron i. In this work we assume that the connection matrix M is best stored as a sparsely populated matrix, because only a small fraction of the matrix elements contain non-zero elements. We further assume, that the state and activity vectors 978-1-60960-018-1.ch011.m04 and 978-1-60960-018-1.ch011.m05 are stored as dense vectors.

It is crucial to understand that all currently available microprocessor architectures consist of processor elements with fast but relatively small local on-chip memory. External to these processor elements is larger, but much slower external DRAM (Wulf & McKee, 1995). Usually, at least for interesting systems, the data volume is larger than the size of the available internal on-chip memory. As a result the simulation performance is a function of memory bandwidth even with arbitrary fast processor elements.

Here we describe an architecture and the concrete implementation of an FPGA-based co-processor which fully utilizes the available memory bandwidth to calculate 978-1-60960-018-1.ch011.m06 given 978-1-60960-018-1.ch011.m07. Each of the three datasets is read sequentially, without random access, from external memory. The largest dataset, the connection matrix M, is stored in a compressed format using a variable-length entropy code to more efficiently use the available memory bandwidth.

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