Globalization 4.0 and International Higher Education: Critical Issues and Ethical Questions

Globalization 4.0 and International Higher Education: Critical Issues and Ethical Questions

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4528-0.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter discusses the critical questions faced in international higher education, reviews the evolving concept of globalization, and examines the definition, approaches, and ethical issues of existing internationalization models and practices. Reorienting the strategic direction of internationalization towards preparing all learners as globally competent citizens, professionals, and leaders is suggested for planning, leadership, and sustainable actions in post-pandemic international higher education.
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Critical Questions Concerning International Higher Education

To survive the anticipated economic instability of modern times, individuals and organizations worldwide need rapid learning to upgrade knowledge, skills, and attributes for a more equitable and sustainable future in the post-pandemic era (The United Nations, 2020). Internationalization in higher education needs to help all learners develop these knowledge, skills, and attributes critical for remaining engaged and productive in a digitally and physically interconnected world and economy. Internationalization models and activities, whether in physical or virtual environments, need to respond proactively to HEIs' transformation while addressing the ethical concerns spoken loudly by stakeholders.

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