Green Manufacturing: Opening Doors to Greener Economy

Green Manufacturing: Opening Doors to Greener Economy

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8969-7.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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The goal of this work is to provide an overview of the different advantages of green manufacturing to society, it is a step taken towards a greener economy. This analysis comprises approximately 47+ published research articles on this topic. The evaluation covers papers from prominent publications as well as general management journals with significant links to the topic. This chapter makes a significant contribution to theory by giving insights into the advantages of green manufacturing and its impact on a greener economy, and it draws on various works of literature and numerous theoretical perspectives to get a more thorough understanding of green manufacturing's influence on society, the environment, and the economy. The chapter also addresses the integrated perspective's consequences for philosophy and practice. This study states the advantages of green manufacturing adoption by some of the organizations in our society.
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Green manufacturing also referred to as green production, refers to the use of ecologically friendly industrial processes to reduce the environmental effect. Green production aims to eliminate waste, protect the environment, and minimize pollution. Consumers and companies alike are getting more worried about the environment. And in order to thrive in the years to come, we must follow the trend of green manufacturing. Additionally, green manufacturing typically concentrates on environmentally friendly production practices, which can result in much-improved market stability over time. Green manufacturing (GM) has several synonyms, including cleaner production and green practices. This issue has grown substantially during the previous decade. The term “green” has become a significant and intrigu3ing topic of discussion for a variety of reasons, including increased pollution and waste, natural resource scarcity and depletion, and the influence of global warming. Green manufacturing refers to the act of updating manufacturing processes and implementing ecologically responsible operations in the manufacturing business. It is essentially “greening” manufacturing, in which employees utilize less natural resources, reduce waste and pollution, recycle or reuse materials, and reduce carbon emissions in their processes. Apart from the ecological advantages of green manufacturing, an increasing number of businesses throughout the country are discovering that a focus on recycling and waste reduction can help their whole company. Businesses' bottom lines are improving, while employees' motivation, productivity, and public relations are upgrading. Going green in the production process in business is the approach that stresses the use of environmentally friendly techniques, resources, and technology to lessen the environmental effect of industrial operations. It has a number of potential advantages, including lower environmental impact, greater public health, and economic opportunity. By fostering innovation, job creation, and investment in innovative green technology, businesses may lower their carbon footprint, conserve natural resources, minimize the risk of environmental disasters, and generate economic possibilities (Setyaningsih,2019).

Figure 1.

Three pillars of green manufacturing


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