Healthcare Management Intricacy, Governance, and Strategic Plan During the COVID-19 Pandemic (With Special Reference to India)

Healthcare Management Intricacy, Governance, and Strategic Plan During the COVID-19 Pandemic (With Special Reference to India)

Astha Bhanot, Naila Iqbal Qureshi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9831-3.ch003
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The COVID-19 pandemic has left the healthcare sector with a slew of problems, including a lack of capacity, supply restrictions, the need for service reform, and financial losses. According to complexity, healthcare delivery organizations are complex adaptive systems that function in extremely complicated and unpredictable situations. Many healthcare organizations suffered ambiguity and inconsistency that was not under control as per requirements. In this chapter, the authors look at an effective management system in the face of COVID-19. In order to tackle the pandemic, Word Health Organization (WHO) is bringing together scientists and health experts from all across the world to speed research and development. The governmental and private sectors in India are viewed as cooperating. Private Indian healthcare organizations stepped up and have been providing everything it requires, including testing, treatment isolation beds, medical professionals, and equipment to the government.
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Individual parts' discrete actions are typically less essential than the interactions within a complex adaptive system. COVID-19 has left the healthcare sector with a slew of problems, including a lack of capacity, supply restrictions, the need for service reform, and financial losses. Healthcare delivery organizations, according to complexity, are sophisticated adaptive systems that operate in exceedingly intricate and unexpected settings. Many healthcare organizations, according to this opinion, suffered ambiguity and inconsistency that was not under control as per requirements. This chapter refer to the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, we examine an efficient management method. Hospitals and health systems during the pandemic have emphasized effective communication, collaboration, and innovation techniques all carried out quickly and well informed by frontline workers. Word Health Organization (WHO) is bringing together scientists and health professionals from all around the world to accelerate research and development in order to combat the pandemic. The governmental and private sectors in India are viewed cooperating. Private Indian healthcare businesses have risen up to the mark, supplying the government with all it needs, including diagnostics, treatment isolation beds, medical specialists, and equipment at official COVID-19 sites and at home.

The highly infectious disease (coronavirus) pandemic has posed various issues for developed countries, which have been exacerbated in underdeveloped countries such as Asia and Africa. Due to a lack of knowledge and protective measures, the number of afflicted people was high. Various preventive techniques were established to aid in the fight against the pandemic crisis, and healthcare facilities around the world worked hard as frontline troops to safeguard patients, often with minimal hope of treatment. The pandemic wreaked havoc on countries with dense urban populations and extensive international travel ties. In countries previously assumed to be most at risk from COVID-19, mortality rates and degrees of restrictions – such as lockdowns and travel bans – were found to be lowest. To accelerate research and development, World Health Organization is bringing together scientists and global health professionals from around the world. It aided in the development of new norms and regulations to regulate the blowout of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as health-care resources for people impacted.

Italy was the first European country to acquire COVID-19 case. COVID-19, which is not the same as seasonal influenza, spread quickly, demonstrating its danger, which was previously underestimated (Indolfi, et al. 2020) COVID-19 is projected to have a burden of 121.449 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in Italy, showing enormity in terms of mortality and morbidity (Nurchis, et al. 2020). The role of healthcare workers has been critical in this scenario. In fact, they were both a high-risk group and a probable source of the outbreak (Nioi, el al. 2021 & D'Aloja, E, et al. 2020). During the last 40 years, previous epidemics have taught us a lot: To begin, strong public health infrastructure and protocols are needed at the national, intermediate, and local levels to prevent highly infectious disease (Coronovirus-19) from spreading (Smith, et al. 2014, Chiquoine, R. 2016). Second, community surveillance, early detection capabilities, and accurate information transmission to the entire population are essential. Finally, prepared healthcare services are required to respond appropriately and to restrict the spread of diseases and the number of persons sick (Belfroid, E et al. 2017).

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