Healthcare Services Enhancement in the Smart City Using 5G

Healthcare Services Enhancement in the Smart City Using 5G

Manjula Gururaj Rao, Rao H. Gururaj, H. Priyanka, Hemant Kumar Reddy, C. Sree Kumar, Shaun Noronha
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1874-4.ch014
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A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses different modes of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data. The information collected can be used efficiently and effectively to improve the quality of operations across the city. Fifth generation (5G) technology for wireless mobile communication is best suited for smart city services, which provide higher data rates, increased traffic capacity, ultra-low latency, and high connection density. Rich healthcare sector (HCS) is one core foundation block for any smart city, which will benefit from a wide range of vital communication infrastructure provided by 5G. The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the effects and ramifications of 5G in HCS from a wide range of perspectives. The technological setting and the financial advantages of 5G are also covered in this chapter, keeping smart cities in mind. More information is provided on the model that is suggested for the HCS for the 5G-enabled smart city.
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Design Of Smart Cities

Everyone uses different methods and technology, and the applications vary and spread to all facets of city life. New concepts and solutions are always being developed through ongoing research and development. However, there hasn't been a significant connection made between the wealth of results from these endeavors and the moral issues they raise.

The smart city applications are classified according to their usage, communication, interactions between the devices to device, devices to humans, external and internal smart devices. Figure 1 depicts some of the smart city uses.

Figure 1.

Depicts the different smart city applications

  • 1.

    Smart Industries:

    • Recent technological advancements, such as big data, cloud services, machine intelligence, and 5G, have grown exponentially, piquing the industry's interest in integrating ICT in the production environment. Industrial machinery and ICT working together offers chances to boost productivity, cut waste, boost efficiency, and enhance the working environment in the manufacturing environment. The term “smart manufacturing” refers to integrating advanced data analytics, computer capacity, sensing inputs, and always-on networking into conventional production processes. These technologies should enable teams to take advantage of fresh opportunities to speed up development, cut waste, and improve transparency and traceability.

By incorporating new technology into a production process, production can be made more productive and efficient. Costs are lowered, delivered goods are of higher quality, and there is less waste. Faster end products are removed off the conveyor belt, and downtime is reduced on the same conveyor line. Using the digital technology with the 5G technology, the throughput of the productions can be increase massively.

  • 2.

    Smart Power Management:

    • The use of battery-powered systems is surging in the modern era, necessitating efficient Power Management Systems (PMS) for optimal performance. As PMSs become more advanced, they require greater processing resources, making power consumption reduction a significant challenge. Although many solutions focus on refining embedded system design, few consider the input signal's time-varying nature. This work introduces a Signal Driven Sampling Scheme, which adjusts its acquisition rate based on input signal variations, resulting in substantial computational power savings. This method prioritizes smart energy allocation.

  • 3.

    Smart Grid

    • A smart grid is an upgraded electrical grid that incorporates various operational and energy-enhancing measures. These include advanced metering infrastructures like smart meters, smart distribution boards, load control switches, and smart appliances. Furthermore, they can integrate renewable energy sources and energy storage options such as batteries from electric vehicles. They also emphasize energy efficiency and are backed by robust broadband connectivity for monitoring, with ample redundancy. Electronic management of electricity production and distribution is crucial for the smart grid.

The adoption of smart grids differs by country. Adoption of smart grid technologies evolves the security risk. The smart grid should be able to control power during high demand and restore power during low demand. The smart grid can also monitor voltage fluctuations, power flow, and possible disturbances.

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