Heritage Education and Global Citizenship

Heritage Education and Global Citizenship

Gustavo A. González-Valencia, Mariona Massip Sabater, Jordi Castellví Mata
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3706-3.ch020
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Heritage education has been viewed as an aspect associated to the building of local and national identities, but there has been little exploration of the way it relates to Global Citizenship Education. This chapter explores this relationship in theoretical terms, through documentary review and analysis from a socio-critical perspective. One of the initial conclusions is that heritage education is associated with art history and is the work of formal and informal education institutions. Another more in-depth conclusion is that there are relationships between these two types of education that share the common thread of identity-building and participation, which ties in with recognition of the changes caused to societies through globalisation. The chapter concludes with a series of questions asking whether it is possible to conceive a global heritage or identity.
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Globalization And Social Changes

Two decades ago, in a comparative study of citizenship education, Kerr (1999) commented that we are witnessing unprecedented global changes that are posing challenges for countries, societies and education systems, and for the way that citizenship education is understood and produced. Kerr’s list (1999, p. 9) mentions the following challenges:

  • the rapid movement of people within and across national boundaries

  • a growing recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities

  • the collapse of political structures and the birth of new ones

  • the changing role of women in society

  • the impact of the global economy and changing work patterns

  • the effect of a revolution in information and communication technologies

  • an increasing global population, and

  • the creation of new forms of community

Two decades later and these challenges have materialised and generated significant impacts on the world. Other major challenges have also emerged, such as climate change, the rise of supranational institutions, the appearance of new financial actors on a global scale, the influence of social networks, the growing presence of artificial intelligence in our everyday lives, and so on. In this context, the education of a critical population seems to be an increasingly more pressing requirement and needs to be revised because, just like globalisation, the citizens’ roles reach way beyond national borders.

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