Human Resources for Mental Health in Low and Middle Income Countries: Evidence from Bangladesh

Human Resources for Mental Health in Low and Middle Income Countries: Evidence from Bangladesh

Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam, Reshman Tabassum, Paolo C. Colet, Jonas Preposi Cruz, Sukhen Dey, Lal B. Rawal, Anwar Islam
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1874-7.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Mental disorders are a major public health challenge globally, contributing to 40% of the global burden of disease. Nevertheless, it remains highly neglected by health planners and policy makers, particularly in low and middle income countries (LMIC). Bangladesh, one of the low-income countries, suffers from a severe shortage of appropriately trained and an adequate number of human resources to provide mental health care. The authors reviewed available evidence on the dynamics of mental health services in LMIC like Bangladesh, with a view to help develop appropriate policies on human resources. This chapter critically examines the current situation of human resources for mental health in Bangladesh, and explores ways to further strengthen human resources so as to enhance mental health services in the country.
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According to the WHO (1948, p. 1), “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”. Mental health is an integral part of human health and well-being. In 2005, the WHO endorsed the phrase “no health without mental health” (Prince et al., 2007). The WHO (World Health Organization, 2004) classification of mental and behavioral disorders include:

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