Hypermedia Document Management: A Metadata and Meta-Information System

Hypermedia Document Management: A Metadata and Meta-Information System

Woojong Suh, Heeseok Lee
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-931777-13-1.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Recently, many organizations have attempted to build hypermedia systems to expand their working areas into Internet-based virtual workplaces. Thus, it is important to manage corporate hypermedia documents effectively. Metadata plays a critical role for managing these documents. This paper identifies metadata roles and components to build a metadata schema. Furthermore, a meta-information system, HyDoMiS (Hyperdocument Meta-information System) is proposed by the use of this metadata schema. HyDoMiS performs three functions: metadata management, search, and reporting. The metadata management function is concerned with workflow, documents, and databases. The system is more likely to help implement and maintain hypermedia information systems effectively.

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