Impact of Business Analytics Tools in Statistical Arbitrage Models in Trading

Impact of Business Analytics Tools in Statistical Arbitrage Models in Trading

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8386-2.ch013
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There could be huge effects from incorporating data analytic techniques into economics teaching. Students can get the practical skills necessary in today's data-driven economy and improve their comprehension of economic theory by integrating these tools into the curriculum. The use of data analysis tools can help increase student interest in the subject and motivation. Students with data analysis skills have chances outside of the classroom in a variety of industries, encouraging the use of evidence in decision-making and promoting economic growth. Overall, incorporating data analytic techniques into economics education helps to advance the economy and society while preparing students for success in the modern workplace.
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2.1. Define the Problem

Many organizations find it challenging to use business analytics tools to improve financial performance, despite the fact that data is becoming more widely available and there is a growing need for advanced analytics solutions (Adams & Morey, 2017). Numerous things contribute to this, including a lack of understanding of the capabilities and restrictions of these tools, inadequate infrastructure and data integration, and insufficient training and experience with analytics software (Sambell & McDowell, 2018). As a result, many organizations either fail to gain useful insights from their data or choose poorly as a result of having inaccurate or insufficient data.

To address this problem, detailed information and guidelines on how to put business analytics solutions to use and improve financial performance are needed (Reich, 2019). This chapter will contribute to providing a practical and approachable overview of the most recent developments (Suresh Babu, 2023). Organizations may identify the issue and learn more about the financial performance analytics tools from this chapter.

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