Impact of Digitalization in Higher Education and Smart Learning Techniques

Impact of Digitalization in Higher Education and Smart Learning Techniques

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0650-5.ch013
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In higher education, computers have been utilized for many years. In the last few years, education has become digitalized, where faculty/lab technicians use advanced technology to teach students and provide deep knowledge. In higher education, new pedagogy techniques were brought into the possibility of effectively conducting online/offline classes. In this chapter, the authors have analyzed the impact of digitalization in higher education and intelligent learning techniques. The authors will discuss how new digitalization techniques and development anticipate student performance. Advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques could extract and provide more knowledge to the students. Virtual simulation is becoming increasingly popular in the education and training sector. It involves using software programs and virtual environments to create simulated experiences which allow learners to practice and learn new skills in a safe and controlled environment.
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Digitalization technology has brought new changes in the higher education sectors; it changes the education scenario and the learning techniques among students. Switching regular education to digitalization requires vast infrastructure, investment, a safe platform, advanced equipment and highly professional staff who can teach in higher education institutions (Srivastava et al., 2019). Every day, the demand for ICT, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, robotics and virtual reality practices is required, which enhance the competencies & focus on industry-based skills. Government and semi-government organizations must take the initiative to develop advanced educational tools and techniques based on ICT (Raimundo & Rosário, 2021). Digitalization technology focused on online/ offline effective teaching creates a backlog of an ICT infrastructure and regulatory & legal support, which should be used to develop innovative education. Digitization technology has improved the quality of education, where teachers help students with innovation and collaborative learning. Smart- classroom has been adopted as a new paradigm in the higher education sectors (Bucea-Manea-Țoniş et al., 2021). The Era of Industry 4.0 significantly impacted information technology, especially in digitalization, that has entered the field of higher education. The robust development of digital technologies has given a new shape to education and created a flexible educational environment (Alammary et al., 2019). Using technologies in higher education provides new ideas and innovation to integrate the student's knowledge and give a unique form to their career for a future profession. Educational technologies allow educators to teach students outside the classroom; digital education brings dynamic changes in IT sectors where faculty can teach and train Smart Education Methodology.

On the other hand, students and faculty use different electronic gadgets and applications for study, including internet services, e-mail, and social networks for communication (Neborsky et al., 2020). An essential feature of the technologies that innovative education ICT, which expands access to learning and teaching materials and background information. Most higher education e-libraries are created where students can access various journals, magazines, e-textbooks and reference books for study purposes (Aini, 2020). In the digital Era, some digital platforms offer online courses for students, like Open Educational Resources (OER) and Mass-Scale Open Online Courses (MOOC).

  • Blended Learning: It is a type of Hybrid learning technique used in most education sectors which approaches learning face-to-face with the faculty and online learning. It is a unique student experience, including its six Blended Learning models: “face-to-face, rotation, flex, labs, self-blend, and online driver” (Dneprovskaya et al., 2018). Blended learning is an instructional approach that combines traditional face-to-face classroom teaching with online learning activities. It is increasingly being adopted in higher education sectors to enhance the learning experience for students and provide them with more flexibility in their studies (Haugsbakken & Langseth, 2019). It is more flexible and convenient, which allows students to access course materials and participate in learning activities online, offering them the flexibility to study at their own pace and convenience. It provides opportunities for active learning, collaboration, and personalized feedback, which can enhance student motivation and participation in the learning process. Blend learning provides access to a wide range of resources, which include e-books, academic journals, videos, simulations, and online databases, enriching the learning experience and allowing students to explore topics in-depth (Shrivastava & Shrivastava, 2022). Combining in-person interactions and online activities can enhance knowledge retention, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and student collaboration. Blended learning can offer cost savings for higher education institutions. By leveraging online platforms and resources, institutions can reduce expenses associated with physical infrastructure, such as classroom space and equipment. Blended learning equips students with digital literacy skills and the ability to navigate online platforms effectively (Lutfiani et al., 2021). These skills are increasingly vital in today's digital age and are highly valued by employers. By incorporating online learning experiences, institutions can better prepare students for modern workplace demands.

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