Impact of Transparency in Learning and Teaching on the Performance of Students in Nigeria

Impact of Transparency in Learning and Teaching on the Performance of Students in Nigeria

Etebong Attah Umana, Blessing Mpantor Ojong
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9549-7.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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The study examined the impact of Transparency in Learning and Teaching on the performance of students in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to investigate the factors and challenges facing the adoption of Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Nigeria. The study employed a qualitative research design. Data was collected from six tertiary institutions in South-South, Nigeria. The findings of the study revealed that lack of TILT concept awareness, learning and teaching technological issues, teachers' welfare issues, and poor communication issues are the main challenges that face TILT adoption in Nigeria. Also, technological factors, corruption, self-efficacy factors, cultural factors, and administrative policies are the factors that affect the adoption of TILT in Nigeria. The study concluded that education policymakers, designers, and developers in Nigeria can benefit from the findings in this study, which provides the real picture about the current situation of TILT in Nigeria and could be taken as a guideline to improve the implementation of TILT among students and teachers.
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Transparency in learning and teaching as a concept is still at infancy level in most parts of Africa and particularly in Nigeria. To date, to the best knowledge of the researchers, there has been no study in Nigeria that focuses directly on transparency in learning and teaching (TILT) except for a few related concepts. This is worrisome as education the world over is seen as the cornerstone of development and forms the basis for literacy, skills acquisition, technological advancement as well as the ability to harness the natural resources of the environment for development.

It is important to note that teachers occupy a pivotal position in transforming teaching-learning process for quality education. Therefore, the quality of education that exist in any society has a direct bearing with the quality of her teachers. No nation can rise above the quality of her teachers. Therefore, teachers play a positive role in transforming and shaping any country toward her sustainable national development (Oke et al., 2018).

Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (2004) defined teaching as the systematic rational and organised process of transferring the acquired knowledge, attitude and skills in accordance to the professional principles and practice. The definition therefore indicates that teachers play a significant role in guiding and organising the teaching-learning process to the achievement of goals and objectives. Also, Rakum (2007), described teaching as an active systematic process guiding the learners to acquire all necessary information, knowledge and skills that would lead to the desirable positive behavioural change. Teaching, therefore, is the process which helps to transform or facilitate effective teaching-learning processes that bring about positive behavioural modification and changes. Consequently, if the aim of education is for students’ positive behavioural change, then the expectations must be transparent to the students (Jonsson, 2010).

Furthermore, teaching is one of the world's oldest professions. It is also one of the professions that has generated much controversy over the necessary qualifications for membership, the role and functions of members and conditions of service for its practitioners. However, the importance of teachers as facilitators and motivators in the teaching/learning enterprise has always been acknowledged. Olorundare (2012) described a teacher as any person that has undergone approved professional training in education to the level capable of imparting knowledge, skills, attitude, and ability to the learners which aid their behavioural change. Professional teachers can be defined as any person that had acquired professional knowledge in teaching and is be able to use them during the teaching-learning processes. A professional teacher is the only tool that can enhance successful implementation of the educational system (Fareo, 2002).

Notably, the most essential principles in teaching are what transpires between the teacher and the learners and not solely what the curriculum content says. Teachers have the responsibility to make instructional choice to facilitate effective teaching of their subject. Teachers are also responsible for the learning experiences to be employed for the realization of the purpose for which the subject is being taught. Therefore, teaching should not be projected to the students as a boring abstract. The students should be made to perceive learning with positive enthusiasm (Balogun & Yusuf, 2019). Teachers should take control over the classroom climate they create. They need to be accessible to their students, appropriately supportive and approachable. These issues matter; and do have a bearing on how students respond and engage with learning. The teaching, learning and assessment strategies are issues which need to be engaged in a scholarly manner. Teachers should ensure that the learning outcomes agreed upon are achievable, clear about the levels or standards expected at different stages and that the learning tasks and the assessment of learning are in alignment. Failure to do so may actually encourage surface learning. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the factors and challenges facing the adoption of transparency in learning and teaching in Nigeria.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Transparent Teaching: Can best be defined as a combination of teaching activities that are unambiguous in the delivery of teacher expectations for student learning and classroom success that rely upon explicit language and techniques to develop and enhance analytical and critical thinking skills and deepen student learning.

Expectancy-Value Theory: It is one of the most prominent frameworks that has been used to examine learning and teaching motivation and how it relates to academic-related choices, learning behaviors, and achievement. According to expectancy-value theory, expectancies of success and achievement values are the main determining factors of motivation, and are assumed to directly impact motivation and its manifestations in terms of achievement choices, effort and persistence.

Expectancy of Success: It can be defined as individuals’ beliefs about how well they will do on an upcoming task.

Teaching: It is the systematic rational and organised process of transferring the acquired knowledge, attitude and skills in accordance to the professional principles and practice.

Professional Teachers: Can be defined as any person that had acquired professional knowledge in teaching and be able to use them during the teaching-learning processes. A professional teacher is the only tool that can enhance successful implementation of the educational system.

Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT): Refers to a teaching strategy that seeks to expose and clarify to students the teacher’s choices for lesson plans and specifies how those choices relate to course goals.

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