Impacts of Intranet on PDO

Impacts of Intranet on PDO

Khamis Al-Gharbi, Abdulwahed Mohammed Khalfan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-553-5.ch244
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In developing countries such as Oman, the introduction of information technologies is very recent and their use and effect have not been systematically assessed or evaluated. Despite the importance of this subject to researchers and practitioners, the issue of evaluating and assessing the benefits of intranet is still an area that requires further and vigorous research (Blanning & King, 1998). The main aim of this chapter is to evaluate and assess the impact of intranet on one large Omani organisation. The findings are based on an in-depth case study looking at the evolution and the progress of the use of an intranet. The case study basically examines the impact that the use of an intranet has had to date and is likely to have in the next few years on one of the earliest organisations to adopt it in Oman. The impact model presented is a theoretical contribution that can guide other Omani organisations in benefiting from an intranet. Furthermore, the impact model prescribes the factors that need to be considered when implementing an intranet system.

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