Implications for E-Learning in Adult Education Curriculum

Implications for E-Learning in Adult Education Curriculum

R. Parkavi, P. Karthikeyan, Linda Ellington
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8598-6.ch065
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Technology plays a vital role in the field of e-Learning in adult education curriculum. The intent for this chapter is to explore the implications for e-Learning in hopes to stimulate attention as it relates to the acquisition of knowledge and inferences for higher education practitioners and program designers in terms of the contexts of students, embedded technology, and faculty. Conquering the challenges facing technology implications in any educational system is vital and ideally this chapter offers a means of collective literature to increase the quite extensive and potentially overwhelming components of effective curriculum programs within the field of adult education, using embedded technology. This chapter highlights briefly some of the concepts and identifies simple and applicable suggestions for increasing effectiveness of embedded technology into higher education curriculum and adult education teaching.
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An electronic learning system is computer based technology which includes information and communication technology tools. This type of system might be synchronous or asynchronous; becoming an important part of education and it is well known for its inspired technique designed for learning purpose(Pattnayak &Pattnaik,2016). Virtual learning environment is nothing but the integration of digital technology into the teaching learning process. The elements of an electronic learning system consist of three layers and nine functional components(Kunifujm Miura,& Hayama, 2011). The nine functional components are Educators and Learners, Learning Infrastructure, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools, Teaching Content, and Assessment. The most important element in educational technology is not only creating an environment for learners to learner the content but also providing them concepts that will encourage them to think about good innovative and creative ideas. And particularly in higher education, learners like to learn new things beyond the syllabus (Scardamalia &Bereite,2003).

e-Learning is an important form of distance education. In olden times, students stayed inside the campus or nearby campus during the duration of their higher education program. Now it is changed to anout of the campus experience. A key objective of e-Learning is to improve the learning ability of traditional and non-traditional students by providing relevant e-Learning methods and materials.

The following four aspects are considered when embedding technical toolsinto higher education curricula:

  • 1.

    Educational technology includes both theory and practice approach for learning.

  • 2.

    Educational technology is treated as technological tools for communicating knowledge.

  • 3.

    Educational technology is used in Learning Management Systems (LMS) for curriculum and Education Management Information Systems (EMIS).

  • 4.

    Educational technology is used in Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

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