Influence of Thiol Compounds on Redox State of Natural Waters in the Republic of Moldova

Influence of Thiol Compounds on Redox State of Natural Waters in the Republic of Moldova

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0512-6.ch004
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The chemical composition of water is determined by the environment with which it comes into contact, with the establishment of a dynamic balance, conditioned by energy and substance flows, expressed by redox equivalents. The valuable biological state of natural waters as a living environment is oxidizing, determined by the presence of hydrogen peroxide. For the characterization of the redox state of the waters, it is not enough to monitor hydrogen peroxide, but it is also necessary to monitor reducing equivalents, such as thiols. The purpose of this chapter is to monitor the content of thiol compounds in some lentic and lotic systems on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for a period of five years. The comparative analysis of the results obtained for rivers and lakes allowed the complex elucidation of the redox state of these waters by characterizing the intensity of redox processes with the participation of thiols. The results indicate that redox processes occur with different intensities in rivers and lakes due to their different chemical composition.
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Monitoring the ecological status of natural waters provides the necessary information about their well-being. In addition, due to the complexity and even more diversity of the sources of pollution, it is essential to evaluate water quality in a complex manner using a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Natural waters have the capacity for self-purification (Gladchi, 2018), which represents a complex series of biological, chemical, and physical processes that partially or entirely restore their initial chemical composition (Figure 1). However, the ecological state of water bodies on the country's territory suggests that the intensity of these processes is low.

Figure 1.

General scheme of self-purification of water basins


The biological self-purification processes are the most active and effective at reestablishing the aquatic object's natural composition among all other self-purification processes, including chemical and physical ones. However, research in the field of ecological chemistry show that the valuable biological state of natural waters as a habitat for hydrobionts is actually formed by the chemical processes of self-purification (Blonschi, 2022b). All self-purification chemical processes come down to a dynamic balance between reducing and oxidative equivalents. This balance cannot be estimated using traditional hydrochemical parameters, so there are specific parameters required, such as the redox state of the waters.

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