Innovative Ways to Boost Well-Being Among Students in Higher Education

Innovative Ways to Boost Well-Being Among Students in Higher Education

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2833-0.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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More than 700,000 people die by suicide each year, according to WHO 2022. One fatality out of every 100 is suicide around the world. The fourth most common cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 29 is suicide. The importance of mental health awareness in higher education institutions has grown in recent years. For students' general well-being and academic progress, it is essential to identify and treat mental health conditions. Academic performance, retention, and graduation rates can all be improved on campuses that put a strong emphasis on the welfare of their students. Higher motivation, more self-assurance, and higher levels of engagement and accomplishment are common among university students who feel more at home and like they belong. Additionally, they exhibit greater critical thinking skills, improved cultural awareness, higher levels of volunteerism, and a higher likelihood of being compassionate citizens.
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Groundbreaking Methods To Promote Well-Being Among Students

Promoting well-being among students in higher education requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates innovative methods. Creating a diverse and inclusive campus culture is vital. This can involve the establishment of affinity groups, cultural centers, and initiatives that celebrate diversity. Encouraging open dialogue and understanding among students from different backgrounds fosters a sense of belonging and support. Leverage technology to offer mental health and well-being resources. Mobile applications, online counseling services, and virtual support groups provide students with convenient and accessible platforms to seek help, and information, and connect with peers facing similar challenges.

Promote physical well-being through wellness programs, fitness facilities, and nutrition resources. Consider initiatives like healthy dining options, fitness challenges, and green spaces on campus to encourage students to lead healthier lifestyles. Offer programs that focus on building resilience and teaching stress management techniques. Mindfulness and meditation programs, stress reduction workshops, and life skills courses can empower students to cope with academic and personal stress effectively (Denovan et al.,2017)

Provide individualized support and well-being plans for students. These plans consider students' unique needs, circumstances, and challenges. Personalized support can encompass academic advising, career counseling, and mental health services tailored to each student's requirements. Conduct mental health awareness campaigns and destigmatization efforts. Encourage open conversations about mental health, share personal stories, and provide resources for seeking help. Break down the barriers that prevent students from seeking assistance when needed (Flora Xuhua et al., 2018)

Establish peer mentorship programs that connect upperclassmen with underclassmen. Peer mentors can provide guidance, emotional support, and assistance with academic and social integration, fostering a sense of community and well-being. Incorporate a holistic well-being curriculum into the academic experience. Introduce courses that address mental and emotional health, stress management, and healthy living to equip students with the knowledge and skills to navigate life's challenges (Worobetz et al.,2020)

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