Integration Strategies, Challenges, and Merits of Renewable Resources in Electric Vehicles

Integration Strategies, Challenges, and Merits of Renewable Resources in Electric Vehicles

Sudhakar Hallur, Roopa Kulkarni, Prashant P. Patavardhan, Vishweshkumar Aithal
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7626-7.ch004
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A non-sustainable wellspring of energy is for the most part non-plentiful in nature and can be utilized until they exist in plenitude. As and when the acknowledgment of the decrease of the bountiful assets and natural risks hit, an auxiliary idea of use of non-pollutable-sustainable power sources shows up into place. Different vulnerabilities as for the plan and supplies of a vehicle emerge with less or weakened association of the sustainable assets. A few vulnerabilities will emerge from the capital venture part and extents from the general population and private segments. Another challenge is the contribution of the innovation to travel the flow ordinary vehicles to electrical vehicles (EV) and to coordinate the renewable energy sources (RES), for example, wind-vitality, sunlight-based photovoltaics, and differing assortments of bio-energies to constantly work according to the prerequisite to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG). This chapter deals with the integration and charging challenges and strategies, coordination of vehicles, demand integration, and solutions to them.
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Great potential embeds great energy usage. A non-renewable source of energy is generally non-abundant in nature and can be made use of them only until they exist in abundance. As and when, the realization of the decline of the abundant resources and environmental hazards hit, a secondary thought of utilization of non pollutable-renewable energy sources arrives into place.

Advancing the jolt in the vehicle division just as a power creation dependent on RES would empower the accomplishment of the objectives of utilization of renewable resources. Various challenges involve in integration of renewable energy sources and transiting a vehicle from adjusting and making complete utilization of it to perform efficiently. Some of the challenges include the intermitted power creation of RES, the comparing vitality frameworks ought to remember noteworthy stores for a type of regular vitality sources or critical limits of vitality stockpiles. Expansion in the costs of power and the general vitality framework and limits a more extensive conveyance of RES. The expanded utilization of electric vehicles (EVs) gives a huge limit of the conveyed battery chargers, being associated with the network, for making additional opportunities to incorporate RES in the force frameworks.

Inclusion and utilization of the renewable resources of energy into the Electric Vehicles (EV) may also initiate a reasonable discount in the cost, security and durability of the vehicles and the sources. Also, the current involvement of the non-renewable energy resources may be restricted only when needed saving natural resources and environment.

The chapter also deals with the technicality of various methods involved in capturing, conversion and storing the renewable and abundant energy in the batteries of the Electric Vehicle (EV) and also discusses various strategies for the minimalist utilization of the stored energy. The cost and the air pollution aspect during integration of the energy sources are addressed by inclusion and describing various strategies. The chapter also discusses various solutions with respect to the challenges and issues.


The increase in the pollution has led to the greenhouse effect with the harmful emissions of various gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and various oxides of sulphur and this has led to the increase of the global temperature by about 2oC. An efficient approach is the integration of the power generated from the renewable energy resources locally and provide it to the charging of the Electric Vehicles. (Honarmand et al., 2014a; Rahbari et al., 2017; Schuller et al., 2015; Van der Kam & van Sark, 2015) Electrification of the transportation making use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) would lead to an efficient and pollution-free system. (Mwasilu et al., 2014) The investment in the charging of the Electrical vehicles are much inefficient than investment inclusion of the Renewable Energy resources. (Figueiredo et al., 2017; Honarmand et al., 2014b) The renewable energy resources prove to be a cost-effective solution offering quick charge while in the absence of the electricity. (Introduction to System Integration of Renewables – Analysis, 2020) Also, reverse is also possible such that extracting the charge from the batteries of the Electric Vehicles (EV) to utilize for domestic purpose. This model is known as Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) model. (Igbinovia & Krupka, 2018) Harvesting the solar and wind energy and storing it as a reserve in the batteries of the electric vehicles serves the purpose. (Güneralp et al., 2017) Various optimizing strategies and algorithmic approaches are used in combination in the Electric vehicles. (Harnessing Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development, 2018; Karunathilake et al., 2018; Simaremare et al., 2018) Integration of Electric Vehicles with micro grids(Van der Kam & van Sark, 2015) with the utilization of RES considering the battery conditions and charging strategies along with the duration of charging. (Li et al., 2019; Li et al., 2017). Managing the charging and discharging process at the parking lot corresponds to the demand integration with the parking lot owner’s profitability and losses. (Cetinkaya et al., 2020; Rahbar et al., 2018) Various uncertainties and challenges that occur in the integration of various components of which some of them are major ones. Solutions to the same improve the efficiency of the Electric Vehicles (EV).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Greenhouse Gas: Gases that increase the global temperature such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur gases, etc.

Regulation: Moderating any parameter or bringing it to a predefined level.

Photovoltaics: Generation of electricity or voltage making use of solar-radiation which is a result of the electron liberation from a lower level to a higher level from the manufacture material.

Electric Vehicles: Vehicles that run with the help of electrically stored energy.

Renewable Energy Resource: An abundant component making use of which the energy can be repeatedly generated.

Algorithm: A method of properly defining a process according to which the execution occurs.

Grid: A single point of contact where all the recipients gather to share a same resource.

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