Intelligence-Based Operation of Aviation Radioelectronic Equipment

Intelligence-Based Operation of Aviation Radioelectronic Equipment

Oleksandr Solomentsev, Maksym Zaliskyi, Oleksii Zuiev
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1415-3.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents the questions of aviation radioelectronic equipment operation. Operation is the main stage in the life cycle of equipment. This stage is the longest in time and very significant in terms of the costs for equipment reliability providing. Control influences are realized in operation system to provide the efficient functioning of the equipment. The operation system is complex in structure intelligence system and is the object of design and modernization. The chapter deals with the structure of the operation system and its elements interconnection and discusses the models of diagnostic variables, reliability parameters for the case of changepoint presence. An important issue during design and improvement of operation systems is the selection, evaluation, and support of the efficiency indicator. This chapter concentrates on the efficiency indicator substantiation taking into account the effectiveness and operational resources costs. Three data processing strategies analysis allowed choosing the most rational option from maximum efficiency point of view.
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Scientific and technical progress is developing towards the creation of intelligent automated systems that are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing production costs, etc. Such systems are based on the principles of adaptation and flexibility, system and process approaches, which are elements of artificial intelligence (Solomentsev, Zaliskyi & Zuiev, 2016).

It is known that civil aviation is a system of systems. One of them is air navigation service (ANS) system. The main component of the ANS is radioelectronic equipment (REE). This equipment contains communication, navigation and surveillance systems.

Air navigation service system is used for air traffic management, radio engineering support of flights, providing aeronautical and meteorological information in accordance with the standards and recommended practices of ICAO and Eurocontrol requirements. So REE is intended for the formation and transmission of flight information to aircraft board and air traffic controllers of flight control centers.

According to Doc 9859, one of the ways to reduce the risks of ANS is the technical condition monitoring for early recognition of its deterioration. To do this, it is necessary to perform procedures for collecting and processing statistics on reliability parameters and diagnostic variables of the REE.

To provide efficient use of REE for its designated purpose, the operation system (OS) is utilized. The purpose of the operation system (OS) is to ensure the stable functioning of ground-based radioelectronic equipment to provide the data and information to the consumers.

The OS includes:

  • 1.

    Radioelectronic Equipment.

  • 2.


  • 3.


  • 4.


  • 5.

    Operational Resources.

  • 6.

    Data Processing Algorithms (Solomentsev, Melkumyan, Zaliskyi & Asanov, 2015).


Operation System Content

The generalized structural diagram of operation system based on the adaptability principle of system approach is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

The generalized structural diagram of operation system


Key Terms in this Chapter

Adaptive Approach: The ability of the system to adapt to changing conditions.

Intellectualization: The property of the system to function effectively in conditions that were not foreseen at the design stage.

Monitoring: Observation for the process in time with using measurement and processing methods in order to two and multi-alternative classification of the technical condition.

Changepoint: The fact of transition of the controlled random process from one quasi-stationary state to another.

Veracity: Quantitative assessment of the degree of confidence in the made decisions.

Efficiency: The ability of the system to achieve the desired result taking into account the costs of resources.

Operation System: A set of devices, means of operation, personnel and documentation setting the rules of their cooperation for performing operation tasks. Operation is the stage of the device life cycle at which its quality is realized, maintained and restored.

Control System: Complex to providing the required level of the REE reliability, which generates and performs corrective and preventive actions based on the results of statistical data processing.

Maintenance: The operation objects serviceable state providing through the formation and implementation of control actions.

Technical Condition: Set of possible classes of REE functioning.

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