Intelligent Cache Management for Mobile Data Warehouse Systems

Intelligent Cache Management for Mobile Data Warehouse Systems

Shi-Ming Huang, Binshan Lin, Qun-Shi Deng
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch088
(Individual Chapters)
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This research proposes an intelligent cache mechanism for a data warehouse system in a mobile environment. Because mobile devices can often be disconnected from the host server and due to the low bandwidth of wireless networks, it is more efficient to store query results from a mobile device in the cache. For more personal use of mobile devices, we use a data mining technique to determine the pattern from a record of previous queries. Then the data, which will be retrieved by the user, are prefetched and stored in the cache, thus, improving the query efficiency. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach with experiments using simulation. Comparison of our approach with a standard approach indicates that there is a significant advantage to using mobile data warehouse systems.

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