Interactive Media Steer in Educational Printing Materials

Interactive Media Steer in Educational Printing Materials

Burcin Ispir
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8751-6.ch065
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The development of digital technology has been highly accelerated since the 2000s. New media environments, which increase interactivity, have been provided to users. With technological convergence, all environments in the category of new media have had the opportunity to work together. With the support of digital technologies, traditional media have also started to include elements that will allow interaction. Support of digital technology does not allow us to see that traditional media is an interactive media but it permits interactive media guidance. Newspapers, books, and magazines, which are located in the category of traditional media, support readers by directing them to interactive media with augmented reality applications. Augmented reality applications in printed materials has been used in many fields. In particular, course books, which protects the existence as the basic learning material of distance learning, can support its content with augmented reality applications. The features of augmented reality applications that allow the presentation of additional information, such as visual, audio, animated text, are discussed in this chapter.
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Digital-based technologies which are integrated into every aspect of our lives, has provided a major contribution to educational activities. In our age when Individual differences should be taken into account, educational activities need to be developed in this direction as well. The presentation of learning environments that can give the opportunity to direct their learning in line with the expectations and needs and to interact for the learners is increasing day by day.

The books, traditional learning material, are not lost importance despite the growing technology. With the popularization of mobile technologies increasingly, printed materials have the potential to guide the users for interactive media.

Augmented reality technology has also positioned as technological innovation which has provided access to different information and content, to distance learners who use the printed material. In this context, we will see that augmented reality applications how it has brought into existence to the printed learning environment with the support of mobile technologies.

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