Introducing a Conceptual Framework for Spatial Decision SIM: A Tool Supports Decisions for Stakeholders

Introducing a Conceptual Framework for Spatial Decision SIM: A Tool Supports Decisions for Stakeholders

Ahmad M. A. Toimah, Samy M. Z. Afifi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9023-2.ch038
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Planning is a time-sensitive process with spatial characteristics as its core. It is effective to formulate spatially-related decisions on an informative background to maximize benefits and minimize risks. Not only decision makers who affect the space, but also users and owners interact with it, affect the related decisions. Thus, it is healthful to widen participation. This chapter introduces a conceptual framework for the Spatial Decision Simulator “SD-SIM.” This work aims to reach a platform that supports spatial decisions made by various stakeholders to provide a capability for integrated modeling of socio-economic, man-made, and natural environmental impacts. It contains four components as a logical target for expressing the evolution of spatial issues and reflecting them into a simulator. These four components are Districts Sub-System, Property Price and Living Cost Simulator, Interventions Sub-System, and Development Scenarios Sub-System. The SD-SIM depends on free-access data sources. Through its sub-systems, the platform integrates different analytical methods and tools.
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It has become increasingly evident that decision-making is becoming a highly complex process. Centralized “traditional comprehensive” planning has many difficulties related to its complexities. In this model, only planners and decision-makers have the right to decide what, where, and how to take actions. Nowadays, slums, urban poverty, urban heat islands, traffic jams, environmental degradation, and inflation, stagflation are among the common phenomena that our earth is suffering from. These phenomena negatively affect the environment. One of the leading causes of these phenomena is the monopolization of resources, information, responsibilities, and decision-making processes.

From another point of view, and assuming that people have the right to decide. A safe, attractive and healthy living environment, with adequate reachable services and employment is the average resident’s desire (Koomen, 2008). Residents’ desires are different, changeable by time, and perhaps inapplicable, especially regarding available resources. Decision processes must consider a wide range of often-conflicting objectives at different spatial and temporal scales, and there is a need to synthesize a viable alternative for communication between a wide range of stakeholders (Afifi, 2014). Acknowledgement and participation are considered a step towards gaining public satisfaction. In this way, residents should understand the details about decisions related to their future. They also need to be informed about the system of allocating different types of projects and their consequences, so that they can objectively make decisions..

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